Gone are the days when the Christian Association Of Nigeria (CAN) - TopicsExpress


Gone are the days when the Christian Association Of Nigeria (CAN) was used and manipulated as a puppet and erand child of the Sokoto Caliphate. The Christian populace in the country, especially those in the North were subdued and subjected to a conquered slave method by successive Islamist rulerships ably teleguided by the Sultanate. Past presidents of CAN were merely used as an o yes members as they most often ignored the welfare, political privileges and security of their members, maybe, out of fear of losing their friendships, fervors, fame and benefits they popularly enjoyed with the Caliphate and its puppet successive govts. They will allow the benefits that were due for the christian community to pass over out intimidations and in the warped belief that we are one and serve one god. In this case, they allowed Islamism to thrive and threaten the existence of Christendom in the country. In those days, Christendom adherents, especially those in the North began to loose their voices. Politically and in economic decision makings, they were sidelined because of their beliefs. Hardly before you see a Christian in the top echelons of political and economic leadership in the North. Even those from the South hardly find their way at the top of any sensitive federal appointments. Christendom and Christianity was totally subdued and relegated to a slavish background. Every sphere of life was Islamized. CAN as a body was totally stuffed in the pockets of the Caliphate. As a result, those Christians who would not have the courage to stand the economic and political asphixiations and maginalizations converted to islam out of fear and deserted christianity, at least to be able to belong and participate. Christians began to found their footings once again in the political and economic environment once again as soon as the radical pastor Ayo Oritsejafor took over as the president of its body. Not long, he began to argue for the position and rights of the Christian community both as individuals. He began to oppose the continued massacre of Christians by extremst muslims who had once claimed they are one and serve the same god. He began to argue for the rights of the Christians in politics and economic decision makings. Christendom and CAN began to regain its vibrancy once again. Those in the North especially, began to once again raise their voices and contest for their rightful positions. This new freedom from its claws and development does not go down well with the Sultanate and the extremist islamists, hence the sudden ochestrated attacks and media sponsored denigrations against CAN and its leadership. The attacks on CAN and its leadership worsened when Oritsejafor personally stood up to voice out his disgust and openly challenged the deliberate and continued massacre of Christians and destruction of their worship places in the North by islamist sponsored Boko haram. Hencefort, every move of Oritsejafor was closely mornitored and antagonized. Oritsejafor and CAN suddenly became a black devil that must be dealt with in the sight of every muslim. Hi-tech media campaigns and open confrontations were viciously launched against CAN. No doubt, these powerful media propaganda and its machinations by the islamists and the sultanate has been able to hypnotize and sway the minds of some christians, especially those in the South to turn against CAN and Oritsejafor. The story that Ayo Oritsejafor was involved in a $9.3m arm purchase was part of the ochestrated media propaganda to tarnish the image of CAN and prune down its popularity among Chritendom members, especially those who dont share his views on social issues.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:37:49 +0000

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