Gonna go back to this post from January 7, 2014. Looks like I - TopicsExpress


Gonna go back to this post from January 7, 2014. Looks like I called the Dalton ridiculous contract and Marvin never winning in the playoffs. NOTHING has changed. This franchise is going NOWHERE with Marvin, Mike Brown and Andy Dalton. They just postpone the inevitable by a week every year. I hope our free agents realize that and get good deals from other franchises. Mike Brown still owns this team.....Marvin will be back too with his 0-5 playoff record....but, hey, at least we will still have Dalton after Brown signs him to a 7-year, $155M extension. I really hate that I have become this jaded because I am still the same little boy who cried when we got out hearts ripped out in Super Bowl XXIII, and not-so-little boy again when Carson Palmer was cheap-shotted by the Steelers in 2005 (yes, I was 23). But, sometimes blind faith is just ignorance and honestly sometimes I hate myself for loving a team owned by such a piece of shit and letting it effect me so much emotionally. The guy is worthless. He held the city hostage for a new stadium, which they did. He doesnt care about the history of the team (no ring of honor, hall of fame, etc). He hasnt put a cent into the stadium to promote his team or make a more fan friendly experience. He couldnt could care less about the city of Cincinnati or the fans that continually give their hearts, as fans, to this team. I hope Brown doesnt get too many paper cuts counting the money his LEGENDARY father afforded him and that he never did anything to EARN other than winning the lucky sperm lottery. But, at least he doesnt have to pretend to care if the Bengals win or lose for another week. Nothing is going to change. Brown has his yes man in Marvin Lewis (for the record, I like Marvin. He just isnt going to win in the playoffs). Brown has a QB who will probably be much cheaper than most and is adequate. Mike Brown has his hand-packed idiot of a GM --- himself. Oh well. Im sure I will be saying the exact same thing next year because it is in my blood. I just wish we had an owner that cared 1% as much as the fans. Sorry. Rant over. I just had to get that out somewhere.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:18:33 +0000

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