Gonna respond to a common statist argument today: Obama (or any - TopicsExpress


Gonna respond to a common statist argument today: Obama (or any politician or lawmaker really) needs to crack down on corporations because they have loopholes and lobbyists and make a bunch of money through nefarious means This is demonstrable circular logic. The problem here is that people aim their anger at corporations for taking advantage of loopholes created by the state. The real problem here is that the state has created those loopholes in the first place. One step deeper, the problem is that the state has power to REGULATE these areas of the market. Somebody with the power to REGULATE also has the power to CHOOSE winners and losers through either creating LOOPHOLES, UNFAIR LEGISLATION, or through ARBITRARILY enforcing legislation that was fairly written. Corporations and interest groups lobby the state knowing that the state is the one with the power to give them what they want. In other words if you want to get rid of lobbyists, loopholes, and crony capitalism, there is no other way but to take away the states power to regulate the market. Corporations will no longer need to lobby the state because the state will not have the power to give them what they want. There will be no unfair loopholes and arbitrary enforcement because there will be no bureaucrats empowered to create or enforce them. So this is all well and good, but then WHO is in charge of regulating all these corporations? Easy, without state sponsored monopolies or other forms of crony-capitalism there is NO WAY for a corporation or ANY business to survive without consumers voluntarily utilizing the goods or services they produce. It is easier than ever nowadays with the internet and social media/mass communication to learn the business practices of any organization. Educate yourself as a consumer and ONLY support organizations or corporations that you feel to be socially responsible in addition to providing goods or services you enjoy. Without your dollar and without crony capitalist bailouts, irresponsible or badly run businesses fail and are replaced by others in an economic process called creative destruction. This is a FAR more effective means of producing change than voting for whichever politician says hes gonna make it all right while collecting millions of dollars and campaign money from the organizations/corporations hes currently promising to regulate. Comment and let me know what you guys think, facebook/statistzombies
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:21:25 +0000

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