Good Afternoon Children of the King! Praise God for - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon Children of the King! Praise God for such a wonderful 1st day in revival! Pastor Michael Trogdon delivered 2 very powerful messages yesterday! I was very blessed to receive conformation on Gods will in my life. I cant wait to hear all the testimonies people are going to have at the end of this blessed event! Our 11 A.M. message was about Gods will in our lives. We need to step up and grab ahold of what God has for us. Some of us have been given, straight from God- what your purpose and will is and its time for us to get busy. Others have had lost hopes and dreams- things that we really want to do, but the enemy steps in and tells you that you cant do it for such-n-such reason. Well- there is a Provider- who is on the throne, who sits at the right hand of the Father- who says that ALL things are possible through Christ who strengthens me! AMEN! We need to stop worrying about the whens and the hows and focus on the mission itself! If God leads you to it- Hes gonna bring you through it! There is nothing out there that He cant do! We may not feel we are able to accomplish what it is that we are set out to do, but He is going to give you the strength and the supplies you need to get the job done! Praise God! He thinks that much about you & me & everyone else- He had a special- specific purpose for us, before we were even a twinkle in our mommas eye! If we didnt have a purpose- we wouldnt be here! So, follow through with whatever it is that God is laying on your heart to do. If youre not sure what He has for you- ASK HIM! If you ask, He will answer. And Ill be the first to tell you, thats the scary part. What He says & what we want to hear dont always go together- but I can also tell you- GO WITH IT!!! He has such huge plans for us- He wouldnt lead you to the water if He didnt think you were ready and capable of drinking it! Our 6 P.M. message was about IDENTITY! Knowing who you are in Christ. Knowing who you are and remaining in that person, no matter what your surroundings are. Some people are whoever they need to be- according to the place or setting they are in. We have to raise up and stand up for our faith. It is being taken away from us- taking a little more away from us day-by-day. We can not allow ourselves to be weakened and sucked into the enemies traps. We have to remain in our faith and not alter that depending on the group of company that we are in. Make them alter their personality- let them know that we are who we are, we are DIFFERENT! We are the CHILDREN OF GOD! We need to pray for the youth of the Kingdom. They have to be taught how to be strong in their faith and have to strengthened by God to remain in the faith. Its so easy for them to be lured into things they have no business in. Its easy to be convinced that its ok- its acceptable. Its what everyone is doing. WRONG! Wrong is wrong- read the word of God. Its doesnt matter what laws are passed, what the latest trends are- dig in the Living Word- the Laws that God has set in play- The laws that have been passed longer than any others- the only set of laws that NEVER change! If you are confused about something- go to the Lawmaker Himself and ask. God will NEVER leave you hangin! If you dont get an immediate answer, sometimes we dont because its not the right time- keep praying. Hang on his coat tails- dont give up! Its not that He isnt there- its not that He doesnt have time for you. Everything has its own timing. Wait & listen- He WILL answer. Hes an on time God- oh yes He is! Well- I encourage you- that if you have missed these 2 messages, there are still 3 more to come. Monday- Wednesday night @ 7:00... BE THERE! It is such a blessing to meet Brother Trogdon and be under his preachings. I have been blessed and cant wait to hear what else god has for me next. God has something for you,too! Come- get what God is giving! If someone told you that they were giving out FREE gas at BP- you would be there, waiting.. longer than 2-3 hours! Come- set in on the Word, its more valuable than a tank of gas! It doesnt cost you a thiing- except 2-3 hours of your time... and my goodness- it is so worth it!!! I am overflowing with what I have been given so far.. God is AWESOME!!! DATES TO MARK: 11/18- 11/20 7:00 REVIVAL!!! Bring family members and friends to share this time with us!!! 11/24 9:00 Thanksgiving Breakfast with NHC Family 11/26 6:00 Food and Fellowship TUESDAY NIGHT SERVICE- NO CHURCH WED. NIGHT due to Thanksgiving preperations! 11/28 Thanksgiving 12/2 Decorating the church for Christmas 12/7 2-5 Ladies Christmas Tea @ Pastors 12/15 (I believe) NHC Family Christmas Dinner after service 12/22 Christmas Program 12/24 Christmas Eve service 12/25 *** MERRY CHRISTMAS *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS *** PRAYER REQUESTS: Nelson & Family- liver transplant surgery went well- 2nd surgery went well, pray for recovery! He is in a lot of pain! Rick Cottrel (Faiths husband)- has cancer, recently treatesd with chemo- pray that the Lord completely heals! Logan- 3 1/2 years old- leukemia relapse in Sept. 2013. Chemo is causing him some issues. His BP dropped over night and was running a fever- moved to ICU, needing our prayers today! Julia Wison- still not feeling well. Battling some personal issues- she needs our support, love and prayers! Artie- still battling the bug as well. Pray for God to touch her chest and lungs. Dolores- abdomen and lung cancer. Family is looking to be calling in hospice- pray for Gods healing, whether it be on Doloress body or His comfort and healing on the family to accept this point of time. Rosalie- little girl, pray for deliverance from seizures Robert Gunnoe- (Linda Carters son)- needing spiritual and financial blessing Isabella- 4 years old- needing healing for epilepsy (has Down syndrom as well) Keith & Juanita- the really need their home in Garfield Heights to sell Sam- (Kellys uncle) health issues Athas- Georges job situation and needing a financial breakthrough, Kelly- Gods guidance in a few areas Tammy- stomach issues Niko- always keep his health & well being in prayer, as well as his families Kayla- arthritis Dena- continued strength- our girl is lookin good, doin good :) Keep lifting her up! SAMBALPURI PROJECT- the gospel printing Jesus Films- funding and production NHC- remember to pray for The Body as a whole, we all have needs that are spoken, unspoken, known and unknown- pray and ask God to meet us in our situations Well, it has been my pleasure! I hope you are enjoying the emails and they are useful for you to look back on from time to time. I also hope that you are receiving and enjoying the Daily Scripture emails, which I pull from the Prayer Calendar that Debbie Dedek has provided us with for the month. Sometimes there are just specific prayer needs for that day & no scriptures marked on the calendar (for those who received one, I attached it to this email again, in case you didnt)- dont worry, I am gonna hook you up! Ill find one :) Just watch that email! Love you all, Hope to see you tonight!! Sister Kelly
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:14:47 +0000

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