Good Afternoon Children of the King! Time to jump - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon Children of the King! Time to jump back in the saddle! I apologize to many who have been missing these messages. The past few weeks have been crazy busy! I had not been in service to take notes and get messages out to you all. March 2nd we had an amazing surprise in the Nicholson-Kinder Family! Michael surprised Erin with a wedding ceremony after worship!!! She had no clue that when she walked out of church that Sunday, she would be walking out a married woman! LOL But, she and Mike have shared a blessed relationship for quite a few years and needed to make it an official, done deal.. and he made that happen. Many thanks again, to all who helped make that a special day for them. Then, March 9th George & I celebrated our 15 year wedding anniversary with everyone, as well as Andrews 13th birthday. What a wonderful, blessed time it was! Great food- awesome fellowship time... nothing better than spending time with your church family!! And thats how I wanted to celebrate that time... The Lord has been doing an amazing work in me & Georges life and marriage- so much to celebrate and be thankful for this year!!! This week Pastor spoke about not hanging around and making friends with someone who is angry. That can be found in PROVERBS 22:24-25 (NIV) 24 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered,25 or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared. Hanging around those types of folks enables you to be caught in a trap yourselves. We often think that we know ourselves well enough to say that we are stronger than that. We cant be influeced by anyone or any behavior. Even though the Bible specifically tells us its a trap- we still think we know better, better than God. Gods word is true and it is written to us, for us- so that we are warned and guided. So that we dont get caught up in a trap and consumed by whatever darkness lies there. The Lord wants to bless you! Do your part- He is already doing His part! The bedrock of your faith is at the bottom of your heart ~LOVE~ ! Faith, hope and charity- but the most important of them all is LOVE! Pastor spoke about Peter and went into the Pentecost. This can be found in the book of Acts- Chapter 2 starts The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost. All of them who were joined in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began speaking in foreign tongues,enabled by the Holy Spirit. A crowd outside came together when they heard this, they were utterly amazed! They new these people were Galileans and were speaking in other tongues. They thought these people were drunk on wine. Peter stood up and addressed the crowd, explaining to them that in the last days God would pour out His spirit on people. These people now are hearing of Jesus, about the power of God and how a way has been made for everyone to come to Christ. The power of God has been seen- Peter proclaimed it. People witnessed a man crippled from birth, now healed after Peter prayed over him. Peter spoke to others, sharing Christ with them. While Peter and John were speaking- the priests, the captian of the temple guard and the Saudducees came to them, disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They were then put in jail. All of this is found in Acts Chapters 2-4. In JOHN 14:6, Jesus says to Thomas: Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. We need to keep the truth at heart and in mind. Stand firm in the truth, in the Word. But, we are not suppose to be harsh about it! Speak truth, but speak it in ~LOVE~! Share it in a way that folks will understand it. Dont be so blunt and bold that it closes eyes, ears and doors before they ever had a chance to be opened. Dont be a door jam! When the Word is on one side of the door and the unsaved is on the other side- you are a jam under the door, not allowing it to open and the two (the truth & the unsaved) find each other. Dont be a theif! Dont rob someone of knowing the truth and about salvation by actting arrogant and carrying a hotty-totty attitude. Use wisdom, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit when approaching and speaking to people. No matter what a persons religion or ways are- go to them- go in TRUTH- but go in LOVE! Deliver a message- you can get a point across by being gentle. The minute you start getting rough- thats the very minute you lose them! Their ears close, hard hearts become harder, minds are closed and they are no longer want to hear what you have to say. God wants to reach people. He is using us to to reach folks. Make yourselves able to be used! Allow God to use you. Pray for strength, wisdom- anointing. He has mighty plans and mighty works- dont be a door jam! Let the door flow freely, coming and going. Where He sends you and where He brings you from. From Point A to Point B- be in a right mind and of right spirit. Dont be a door stop! Make your life about His! DATES TO REMEMBER: 3/21 6:30 Ladies Prayer Meeting @ Kellys house (contact for address or information) 3/23-3/26 R-e-v-i-v-a-l!!!!! With Sister Teresa Sawtelle 3/23 11:00 Sister Teresa will be delivering the message 6:00 Sunday Evening Revival 3/24-3/26 7:00 Revival *** GUITAR LESSONS *** If you are planning on taking guitar lessons from Sis. Teresa, you need to be at the church 1 hour before revival starts for that** 4/11-4/13 OH/WV Ladies Retreat 4/13 Palm Sunday 4/18 Good Friday 4/20 Easter Sunday- Invite someone to join in the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! PRAYER NEEDS: Perezs- keep the family in prayer. The Lord knows each individual need Tammy & Serena- pray for their individual needs Maryann- keep her and her family in prayer The Gawsyszawskis- Keith & Juanitas home still isnt sold. Remember Kat & Dan as well Atha & Kramer Families- both of Kelly & Georges families are experiencing some really hard times right now- they are in serious need of our prayers and support. Juanita- (George & Juanita Gs mom)- bypass surgery went well. Home now- recovering- keep her recovery in prayer Jack Atha (George & Juanitas brother)- had hip replacement almost 2 weeks ago. Keep his recovery & therapy in prayer Debbie Dedek- remember her & her family Charlene & Arlene- keep the families health & issues in prayer NeeCee- Charlene & Arlenes sister- gave her heart to the Lord, pray for her spiritual growth Sister Anita & Family- keep Sister Taylor & Shaneatha & her children in prayer as well Ken & Julie- keep them, their family & friends in prayer Julies Mom & Dad- their health The Kinders- keep all of them in prayer Kinder-Segedi Family- remember to keep them in prayer as they continue to mourn the passing of Joe Artie- Keep her family in prayer- Sheila, Mike & the kids also Missy- keep her in your prayers. God knows all Stacy & Will- remember them, their kids and the kids schooling in prayer Tom- keep him and Karens health (physical and spiritual) in prayer Laura & Robert- remember our new family in prayer, havent heard anything about Lauras mom lately- lets keep them lifted The Cunninghams- remember to keep Fred, Selena & all the kids & grandbabies in prayer Drema & Linda- keep them & their family in prayer, great to have them back in the House! Iris- Havent seen her in quite a while, pray that all is well and she makes her way back to us The Hill Family- still dealing with the loss of Annes brother and now the passing of her father Faiths husband- keep him in prayer Linda George- remember to keep her and her health in prayer Pastor, Jerry & their family- Remember to keep the Cannon Clan in prayer. We sure do miss seing them- pray they are in good health- both spiritually and physically INDIA- always remember our family there. Pray for their work and Gods continuous blessings and provision *** CANDY FOR CAMP *** We have about 20 kids that want to go to camp this year. The cost is $150/child plus our transportation cost. We have raised enough for 4 children so far. If you can help sell candy bars for $1 or are interested in buying them- see Sister Liz or the children..they will gladly help you! Thank You All so Much! Its great to refresh my mind with the message and get it out for all of you! Hope to see most of you ladies Friday night!!! Love to All! Sister Kelly
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:37:05 +0000

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