Good Afternoon Church! I hope this email finds you doing well - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon Church! I hope this email finds you doing well today! I wanted to share with you some opportunities that are coming up at BSBC! Prayer Needs: Please be in prayer for Ed Dowden. He is recovering from bladder cancer surgery and will begin chemo treatments next Wednesday. These treatments will last 6 weeks. Please be in prayer for Mel Bond. She is not feeling well. She is having respiratory issues and is going to the doctor Friday. Opportunities: Dont forget Benjamins Ordination Service this Sunday Evening at 5pm. Dr. Jeph Holloway, Professor of Theology, Philosophy & Christian Ethics from East Texas Baptist University to preach the charge to the ordination candidate. Dr. Holloway has had a formative impact in Benjamins life and we look forward to welcoming him to BSBC. Business Meeting will be on August 27, 2014 at 6:30pm. This will be our last Wednesday Business Meeting for the summer. We will shift back to Sunday Evenings in the Fall to accommodate youth and childrens activities. Hope to see you there! I have been extended the great privilege of teaching in the Fall at Criswell College! I have had this opportunity in the past and have enjoyed helping younger preachers with preaching mechanics. My class will be on Mondays from 1-4:30p and will begin on August 18. I will take Monday as my day off to accommodate this honor. Thanks for letting me represent BSBC in this way! Ladies Bible Study continues tonight at 6pm. Its not too late to come participate. They will meet in the FLC…no book required! Come, watch the video, and enjoy the interaction! Systematic/Doctrine Study starts at 6:30pm and tonight we will cover The Problem of Evil and Sin in the World. Interested? Bring your Bible and join us in the JAM Fellowship Hall! Praise God for all the new families who joined on Sunday the 3rd…we will be baptizing soon! Invite your friends to BSBC because God is moving! But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6 NKJ) Blessings, Pastor Jeff
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:50:58 +0000

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