Good Afternoon Facebook. I am trying to set Goals for myself, - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon Facebook. I am trying to set Goals for myself, first short term than long term goals. First and Foremost I need to find a job because with the seasons changing its getting colder and it seems we all have more to worry about this time of year. My son is having car difficulties I told him wait until I get my Cobell I will put your car in the shop or pay to have someone look at it. We all need so much, clothes, reliable running vehicles. Bills, Bills, Bills. One Day at a Time is how we are going to start, start with being thankful. I am for one thankful I will be getting a new mask for my CPAP Machine. Thankful for everyday that I wake up to people that I love and care about. Thankful for Spazzy that he is warm, content, happy, and feed. Thankful everyday that I am alive to see my son, brother, boyfriend, Spazzy. Charlie. Well before I carry on and on I am thankful to be on FB and having the internet and a working computer. Good Day.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:39:07 +0000

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