Good Afternoon, I hope everyone is well and feeling fresh and - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon, I hope everyone is well and feeling fresh and inspired. I hope you all took the opportunity to leave lots of “stuff” behind in 2014. So as we stand here on the first day of 2015, stretching before us is a blank canvass, a million moments of infinite possibility. What we see, how we feel and what we do is 100% up to us, we have that choice in every moment on how this is going to play out. We choose which aspect we are going to focus on, we choose how we are going to interpret this and we choose how we are going to react to this information. We choose we choose we choose! Whether we do this consciously or not is another matter. When we consciously decide we become active creators of our world, isn’t it better then, if it’s our choice anyway, to do it consciously? So consciously work on letting stuff go, if you feel that you are bringing old issues or grudges and resentments with you into 2014, work on releasing this. Be aware how you may be bringing these things with you, pay attention to your language and the things you may say. We often keep with us things that we have outgrown through habit, habits are hard to clear, sometimes we can feel we have broken the habit, for years sometimes only to find ourselves slipping back into the behaviour when we are at a low point, without even realising it. Aiming to be consciously aware at all times helps with this as it can bring back your focus to the now. It is important to start each moment from a fresh perspective, this way you can be open to whatever comes your way, you allow it the time to breathe and express itself, it gives you time to respond rather than react. It allows you to experience the moment with all your senses and to truly appreciate the sense of wonder all around. 2015 is the year of us, the year of we. It is about union and unity, we come together as individuals and we come together as one. We are unique in the universe in that we have individuality, a sense of self separate and distinct but we are also part of a collective and as we turn our focus from the external to the internal we remember this. As we all stand together, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, we are strong and we are creating something that is going to blow everyone’s minds. The world is waking up at an extraordinary rate and tide has turned. Many have gone before us paving the way and so many awakened souls are co creating the new world today and you are part of that. We are doing this and we are doing this together. I have seen so much change over the last decade and it has all been good, even the destruction has been necessary. Whether on a personal or global level, the pain loss and destruction allows your heart to open, sometimes breaking it is the only way in, it also clears the way for change and new growth. We are in essence tearing down the old structures of our lives, whether that be our thought patterns, programming, our jobs or homes, the same is happening on the wider scale, we are unplugging from the old structures such as government, banking, media, the old way is crumbling. We do not need to fight, we do not need to change anyone, we do not need to force change within, we just have to allow the change to happen. When you feel the need to fight, block or to hold on to something, just stop and bring your awareness to it, what is this about. Remember your aim is to let everything go and begin afresh in the moment, resistance is an excellent sign that you have something that needs you attention and release, follow the trail. So my friends try and spend some time visualising your expansive year, no details just enjoy the feeling of wonder and joy at this crisp and beautiful new start. Lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxxxx
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:23:24 +0000

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