Good Afternoon and welcome to Gruntworks Non-denominational - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon and welcome to Gruntworks Non-denominational service. Announcements: Judging on how the WSB comments went, I can see guess that there will be a mixed reaction to anything I say this morning. I can say Not All Muslims Are Bad and get one response or go with what I beleive and what most Christians beleive which is radical Muslims ideologues who use the Quran to kill in the name of Islam and those who support them in any way shape or form need to be declared enemies of the state. Also, after studying the Quran I can tell you that Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate and anger that never evolved past the 12th century AD. Those of you who would argue that Christianity is just as bad need to remember that Christians evolved after the reformation in the 16th Century and the Renaissance in the late 16th-18th centuries. Atheists know most of this to be true since atheists mostly use science to study the realities of what is real and can be proven as opposed to the theology of faith in what can felt yet not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. On to the Sermon: Paris Je Suis Charlie This week we saw Islam in its radicalized form strike Paris in all its ugly glory. What we war fighters know first hand and what we hoped to keep contained in the Middle East is now spreading to Western countries. Why? Because artists at Charlie Hebdo decided not to cower before the Prophet Mohammed. People have been burning crosses, pissing on my Lord, burning the Bible, and doing all they can to make a mockery out of not only Christianity but of other religions but there hasnt been one Holy Killing in the name of the Christian God since the Salem Witch trials (I may be mistaken but I believe that was the last government sanctioned religious Christian Holy Killing). However, radical Islamic terrorists are carrying out a world wide war on anyone that does not believe in Islam or mocks their faith. Those who call for a dialogue with these people are fundamentally wrong in their thinking. You can not reason with them. (Hell, you can barely reason with Christians sometimes, right? But they dont kill you. They just frustrate the shit out of you and make you drink!) You can not sit down with them and come up with a peace treaty. They want total Shariah Law on the world because thats what their Holy Book tells them must happen and they will accept nothing less. Are there good Muslims? Yes. The good Muslims Ive met are the Kurds and Peshmerga I met in Kurdistan in 05. Love those dudes. They rock. Look, we arent advocating for a holy war or for a fundamental change to the Constitution or for you to disobey your orders or for you to disregard your Oath. What we are saying is that Islam and that its tenets and its radicals and people who follow shariah law? Dont trust them. Be watchful. At least for the time being. What ever you believe in, put it to the common sense test with all of this. If it doesnt pass and Im just another religious asshole, click the unlike button and move on. If it does pass the test? Give it another read and absorb it. What have you got to lose? Be safe this week. See you next Sunday. May The Lord bless you and keep you. May The Lord shine on you and be ever graceful unto you. In the name of The Father, In the name of The Son, In the name of The Holy Spirit, Amen. -Preacher
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:00:01 +0000

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