Good Afternoon folks, Ill begin this post with an incredible - TopicsExpress


Good Afternoon folks, Ill begin this post with an incredible amount of gratitude and respect for the owners of this page. THIS is how to make a difference for our Vets/Serving members. Have the discussion, support each other..remain positive and just BE THERE. In order to find a solution we need to address the problem. Now, heres my issue. I am desperately hoping someone can explain and help me to understand something. Why is it, that we are proverbially allowing each other to drill holes in each others boats? The post that is up addressing Mr Cousineaus one year after AAR..Why are we allowing him to be taken apart in such a manner? I can literally sit here reading it, and pick out how many mistakes and false accusations there are. At the end of the day, Medric has made a HUGE difference in our world, for the better. For so many Vets. Moreso than that, hes DOING SOMETHING. How can we sit back and rip him apart. Are we all that self righteous that we believe thats acceptable? In the grand scheme of things, we are all in this together, slandering each other is wrong, and unacceptable and tears apart the moral fiber of what little we have left. Medric does not sell dogs. He has offered to assist and facilitate supplemental training for other organizations if its needed..but ONLY if asked for it directly. If one of your dogs was offered to be trained or retrained, that is between you and Medric and the dog. Is there a possibility that re dogs owner needed help? Also, Ive known Medric for a few years now and I have NEVER heard of this. If he helps SVC dogs from another organization he does not slander them, he literally takes it in stride and realizes that not everyone is perfect, sometimes even the best training and handling needs help. The man DID walk to Ontario from Halifax. Did he do every step? No he didnt. He opted to fill his kms in central and seen locations because last time I checked talking to spruce trees on a barren highway doesnt help Soldiers. He raises money for an organization that helps. Period. You say that your dogs come to the Vets at no cost..well I ask you this, how is the money raised to provide those dogs to be trained? Or the training for the vet? How about the dogs housing and food etc? They may come at no cost to the vet but, there is cost involved and someone has paid it. THAT is what Medric does. He raises funds and awareness for the dogs and handlers to be trained. He doesnt and never has sold a dog. Please: I believe it is imperative that you get your facts straight. This spray and pray mentality is disgusting. He is not nor has ever been officiated with wounded warriors. He has found his OWN way to help, the same as I have, and many more have. How dare you take him apart, or watch him being taken apart for no other reason than a flagrant and honestly disgusting self advertisement and self promotion. How about lets take a step back and think about what we can do to help, and not hurt the various people and organizations that have the guts to stand up and make a difference. Not take them apart. Thats wrong. If we cant work together towards a common goal of promoting healthy soldiers and Vets, why are we even trying?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:48:22 +0000

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