Good/Bad News >> An old Prophecy is right now coming to pass - TopicsExpress


Good/Bad News >> An old Prophecy is right now coming to pass before our eyes. From the middle of the U.S., people will begin fighting against the Government, then the attack will come. >> Folks, for the last several decades, Ive watched endtime events unfold--and Ive been waiting for the ultimate warning sign to come. It was given by God to an old prophet from Romania--a Pentecostal Pastor who smuggled Bibles into Soviet countries at an enormous risk to his own life. Bro. Dimitru Duduman was eventually exiled to the U.S. where God used him to warn this nation of endtime events. He did not go to the large Prosperity Churches...for they would not hear Gods warning. He went to smaller congregations who had open hearts....(And this is why you may not have heard of this urgent prophecy.) I talked to Bro. Duduman personally, and saw the humility in this man of God. I saw the anguish on his face as he portrayed what the Lord had shown him. But Bro. Duduman isnt the only one that God sent with this message. Many others have warned of the same impending judgment. They have all been given the same urgent warning by the Lord. A nuclear attack is coming. It will come from Russia, China, and several other enemy nations who have formed an alliance against us. Since sounding forth the alarm in the late 90s, Bro. Duduman has now died and gone on to his reward, but the warning message from God continues to this day... And right now it is being fulfilled before our eyes. The trouble that is brewing in the St Louis/ Ferguson area in Missouri is the exact replica of the trouble that the Lord warned of through Pastor Duduman and others... Rioting, looting, fighting in the streets. It is happening in the very Heartland of America....the very CENTER of our nation, like God said. At the same time, there is an extreme worsening in U.S / Russia, China relations. Russia and China have been angry at America for some time, but with the escalating crisis in Ukraine, relations have hit an all time low. The situation is at a breaking point. In recent weeks, Russian military planes and ships have been reportedly circling our territorial waters, and have been making incursions into U.S. territory. They have been testing our resolve for the last month or so. The attack is not far off. The world situation is exactly as the old prophecy predicted...The warning signs that the Lord showed Bro. Duduman are now underway. ___________________________________________ SUDDEN DESTRUCTION The Lord warned that the attack would come suddenly, like heavy rain on a bright sunny day. It will catch America off guard, and this nation will crumble beneath the onslaught of nuclear attack upon our coastal cities. (The attack on 9-11 will look like nothing, in retrospect...) America the great will fall, making way for the final endtime events. The U.S. superpower will give way to the rise of the Anti-Christ in the Middle East. It is imminent. It is underway. It is happening now, as America slumbers. ____________________________________________ NOTE: There is some very good news in the midst of it all. >> The Lord said during this time of trouble, He will send His angels to rescue those who are on their faces, weeping, repenting, and crying out before Him. Only those individuals will be spared the ensuing judgment. Maranatha! He is coming!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:00:32 +0000

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