Good Company! Who are your friends, my dear? It is difficult to - TopicsExpress


Good Company! Who are your friends, my dear? It is difficult to fly like an eagle when you live among turkeys! The quality of the company you keep is of paramount importance not only in your todays success but also in the totality of your lifes achievements. It is an indisputable fact that those with whom you associate have a strong influence on how you think, feel and behave. Your grooming, growth, success and failure are all influenced by their attitudes. They can either enhance or diminish the level of your cheerfulness, confidence, energy and competence for success or doom in your lifes endeavours. You must be very cautious about the people you relate closely with. Avoid people of dubious character, faultfinders and complainants. They can demoralize, demotivate or discourage your efforts. Are you really serious in your desire to succeed in life? If you are, then you MUST, by all means, choose your friends and associates wisely and with extreme carefulness. They should be people you can always count on, people who are positive minded, optimistic attitude, encouraging and ambitious traits. It is only by so doing that you can enjoy a much more successful life. Where such people are difficult to come by, then stay on your own. It is much better to stay alone than in bad company. Remember: Dont let the dissenters be the deciders -David Molapo. A faithful friend is a sure shelter; whoever finds one has found a rare treasure -The Bible. In sum, there is nothing so precious as a faithful friend and no scales can measure his excellence -The Bible. The company you keep determines what accompanies you! Happy Sunday!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:39:38 +0000

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