Good Day Rockyteers!!! Started out as a beautiful sunny day, and - TopicsExpress


Good Day Rockyteers!!! Started out as a beautiful sunny day, and now its cloudy and wintery....but Im happy. Lil Boy is asleep. Hes sleepgin much better at nite, altho he does wake up once or twice. Hes still sluggish, but thats to be will take time for his IBD to clear up. Plus, he may have a bacterial infection as well, will know on Monday. But Im glad to know he is on the road to recovery. The pred does a number on a dog - always drinking and peeing. But thats good because it helps to clear out the toxins from his body. Hes eating a bit better, but I still have to coax him to open his mouth for the food...he might still associate food with not feeling well. But once he takes a taste, he gobbles it all up. He definitely likes the canned food better than the kibble. Hes even beginning to put back some of the weight that he lost. He has to be on this food for at least 6 weeks. If hes better, we may be able to try a different food to see how he reacts. So I am doing my research on the best hypoallergenic foods on the market that are good for his liver and his kidneys. If I have to do homemade, so be it. In the meantime, I am trying to get him out of the pacing and circling routine. When he starts, I firmly say STOP, and he does - in his tracks. I then lead him to his bed and say RELAX and give him a treat. Hes beginning to do this now on his own. I am so hoping that when his body gets back to shape, his mind may just get a bit better as well - is that hoping for too much? I dont care. I want my old Rocky back, but I do know that will never happen. Oh...did I tell you all? He LICKED me yesterday - twice! Now, granted I dont know if it was a real kiss or he was just licking the food off my lips BOL but it was a lick to be sure. Thats something he rarely does anymore, the licking and kissing. All part of the CCDS.... Well, have a great day everyone, and again, thanks for all the good thoughts for my lil Boy.... Love and hug your furbabies . and now that holiday season is coming around, if you want to get a new furry one please ADOPT, dont SHOP.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:46:38 +0000

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