Good Day To You All.. This Year We Talking About Concistancy In - TopicsExpress


Good Day To You All.. This Year We Talking About Concistancy In Our Faith.. Lets Start The Year With With A Bang.. More Growth And Changing Peoples lives With The Word Of God.. Todays Service Starts At 17:30 @powerhouseM Mamelodi west B1 We Have An Awesome Program Lined Up For Everyone... Dnt Be Late and See you There Psalms 102:27 But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end. James 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. Psalms 33:11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? 1 Samuel 15:29 Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind. Job 36:5 Behold, God is mighty but does not despise any; He is mighty in strength of understanding. Psalms 89:34 My covenant I will not violate, Nor will I alter the utterance of My lips. Titus 1:2 in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago, Hebrews 7:21 (for they indeed became priests without an oath, but He with an oath through the One who said to Him, THE LORD HAS SWORN AND WILL NOT CHANGE HIS MIND, YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER); Psalms 110:4 The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek. Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Hebrews 6:17-18 In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Genesis 18:18 since Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed? Genesis 22:17-18 indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice. Genesis 26:4 I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven, and will give your descendants all these lands; and by your descendants all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; Genesis 28:14 Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Deuteronomy 18:15 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him. Psalms 72:17 May his name endure forever; May his name increase as long as the sun shines; And let men bless themselves by him; Let all nations call him blessed. Jeremiah 4:1-2 If you will return, O Israel, declares the LORD, Then you should return to Me And if you will put away your detested things from My presence, And will not waver, And you will swear, As the LORD lives, In truth, in justice and in righteousness; Then the nations will bless themselves in Him, And in Him they will glory.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:18:18 +0000

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