Good Day to you. Todays Fresh Manna (11.10.14) Encounters with - TopicsExpress


Good Day to you. Todays Fresh Manna (11.10.14) Encounters with Jesus - 6 (A New Series from the Gospel of Luke) ************************ Luke 5:8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. (Read Luke 5:1-11) Blessings Humble You? *************************** How do you react when you get a windfall of unexpected blessings? Simon Peter responded with an attitude of humility and repentance. That was the night the expert fishermen caught nothing for their daily survival. They had an an unknown guest to use their boat. Lord Jesus used Simon Peters boat to teach the crowds. The Lord wants to use whatever we have to reach out and bless others. After He finished with His words, He asked Simon to launch out into the deep and cast his net for a draught. The Lord knowingly said this. After we allow the Lord to use what we have, the Lord will surely recompense us with His blessings. He knows our needs even before we tell him or ask anything from Him. Simon Peter hesitated for a moment and honestly confessed that they toiled all night and failed to catch any fish. They do fishing at night so the sea surface is cool and the fishes come up and are easily caught in a net. Once the Sun rises, the water gets hot and the fishes go deep into the sea. The Lord knew all this and yet asked Simon to cast the net as He wanted to bless them supernaturally. Simon hesitatingly, at Jesus Word, did cast the net and saw to his utter surprise the abundant catch of fish that he never saw in his life before. He and others had to seek the help of other fishermen to drag the net with full of fishes to the shore. The net began to break and the boat began to sink due to the overload. When we do obey but half-heartedly, whatever blessings we get, we will begin to lose them. Let our obedience be wholehearted and with full trust in His Word. Often we miss Gods best for us because we depend too much on our knowledge and past experiences and hesitate to act on Gods Word. This miracle of such magnitude of untimely draught of fishes, touched and moved Simons heart. He fell down at the feet of the Lord humbled and with broken heart, confessing his unworthiness and sinfulness in not trusting His Word fully. Often God blesses us even when we are not worthy to show His amazing grace and break our hearts so we may become humble and respond to His love and mercy. Many want to enjoy Gods blessings, miracles, healings and supernatural interventions, but do not humble or repent of their sins and receive salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is more precious than all blessings, more to be desired than all miracles and more to be loved than all material riches! Amen. Once touched by such powerful love and compassion, they had to forsake all and follow Him. He promised them a new work ahead, to transform them into fishers of men. Have you met this Jesus and experienced His touch? Be challenged!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:56:56 +0000

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