Good Evenin everyone. Hope you had a good Lords Day. Went for a - TopicsExpress


Good Evenin everyone. Hope you had a good Lords Day. Went for a ride this afternoon, late. Had a little trouble with Grunt, my 90 day warranty battery finally quit after 4 years....too bad ya cant get NOTHIN that last anymore. lol Anyway, finally found someone who had a battery, went and got it, put it in, and went for a ride. Riding along, minding my own business, some clown passes me ON MY RIGHT IN THE SAME LANE I AM IN. Of course, I got startled, then I got mad, and I mean MAD. Not angry, MAD. I pulled away from him, got in front of him, so I could get off my exit, and he followed me. I thought, here we go, but, he just got to the end of the ramp, ran the redlight at about 50, and made a right turn. I was going the other way, so what he did did not matter to me, even tho the flesh side of me wanted to rip his face off and show him the back side of it. But you know what? I got thinking about something that maybe we forget, I know I do. Our Salvation in Christ covers a lot more than just keeping us out of hell. I lost my temper. I did not say anything I would be ashamed of, I did not salute him with one part of one hand, I did not do anything but wonder what was wrong with him. Would I have done that without the Christ I know with me? Probably not. There are a couple of passages that cover the safety of our Salvation, but I think the one that fits best is this: Psalm 4: 4-8: 4 Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah 5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And put your trust in the LORD. 6 There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” LORD, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. 7 You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased. 8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Next time something stupid happens, and you DONT say stuff we as believers should not say, remember this...The Safety of your Salvation. God bless yall, have a good evenin
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 23:47:48 +0000

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