Good Evening Everyone... Its almost the end of another day for - TopicsExpress


Good Evening Everyone... Its almost the end of another day for me, but before I turn in I thought Id take a moment to update you on the progress of this ministry. I havent done this in a while, and most of the numbers come from christlikeministriesnwa, but I thought yall would like to know just what kind of impact this ministry is making. The first stat that Im going to give you is the one that Im the most excited about. When you start with the United States, Canada, Mexico, and then add the names of countries like Ireland, Portugal, and all the way to Afghanistan...and come to a count of 164 countries that have seen just one of my messages...thats just awesome. I mean I dont even know where Togo is...but my posts have been read there. The next stat is what is still our most popular message with almost 4,000 reads 7 Hebrew Words for Praise: Tehillah...and that means the most popular series Ive written is that 7 Hebrew Words for Praise series. The main way that Christlike Ministries NWA is found...almost 23,000 people have found my ministry through various search engines. Almost 500 of those are through Facebook. That means that God is drawing people to this ministry because theyre looking for it. Finally, I have been blessed to have through all of the various sites Christlike Ministries NWA is on over 1,300 fans, followers, and readers. The sites nearly 350 posts has been seen almost 40,000 times. Friends, I cant do this without you! I need everyones support whether its sharing my messages, giving to us financially so we can maintain our sites, or praying for us...I need YOU. Now more than ever I need YOU to support this ministry. I believe this is only the beginning, and that God is going to continue to grow this ministry to even more places like Togo...and the only way I can do that is with the Lords leading and guiding and your help. Well, I think thats some really good news. I like to look at the numbers every once in a while not because Im concerned about them, but because I want to see how God continues to grow and draw people to Christlike Ministries NWA. Thank you all so very, very much for your support, prayers, and for becoming a part of the Christlike Ministries NWA Family. Good night everyone! Blessings & Grace to you. Pastor Bryan
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 03:02:27 +0000

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