Good Evening Friends Aries : You may expect your workload to - TopicsExpress


Good Evening Friends Aries : You may expect your workload to shoot up remarkably this week, predicts Ganesha, and although you are high on self-confidence and have no dearth of courage, all the hectic pace of work is likely to leave you fatigued. It would not be a bad idea to do something refreshing everyday in the evening, or just sit and meditate for a short while, which will greatly help you restore your worn-out tissues. Also of great importance is not to let your mind play tricks, such as exaggerating things which may then seem overwhelming. Again, meditation is the solution to avoid such a problems. Remember that activities that you start in this week and persist with for a month or so, will set seamlessly into your routine, and thus gradually become very easy to perform. Social events will also demand your attention, and some of them may be unavoidable. Taurus : Ganesha foresees that this week is going to be very taxing for you, and you will really have to pull up your socks to cope up with the ever-increasing workload in your office, as well as the demands of your family members. Brace up for a rough ride all-round, be positive, take one thing at a time and try to flow with the tide, because resistance is only going to prove to be futile. Also, dont dismiss suggestions from other people out of hand; instead, take them seriously, ponder over them and see if you can really implement them. If they come from well-wishers, you would do well to heed their suggestions, for they will only have a positive bearing on your circumstances. Your creativity is likely to come to the fore, so make the best use of it. On the financial front, budget your expenses carefully. Gemini : Ganesha warns you not to be too cocky this week, or you shall alienate many of your good friends both on the professional and personal fronts. As far as taking decisions is concerned, you shall have to be very alert and aware about what is happening around you because there may be people playing mischief who may try to lead you astray. You must not judge a book by its cover, but analyse people and circumstances carefully before arriving at any conclusions, and then, too, dont act impulsively. Take into consideration the pros and cons of your actions and then only make a commitment. Work-wise this is not a very exciting week, and you are likely to feel bored whether you are a professional or a businessman, so try to induce some colour in your life to make it interesting. Cancer : This week is just right to take appropriate measures to thrash out some personal or professional disputes which have been haunting you for a long time. Ganesha foretells that you are likely to get some lucrative job opportunities, and even though you are well-settled in your present job, you may consider them seriously because your rapport with your superiors may not be too good. Ganesha advises you not to disturb the status quo as the stars are not in its favour. Even on the domestic front you need to be very careful to avoid disputes or arguments with family members, especially those elder to you. This is all the more important because your health too is likely to be a bit delicate. What you need is some solitude so that you can meditate deeply to regain your tranquility. Also, completely avoid eating junk food. Leo : The outlook on the professional front for you this week is rather bleak, foresees Ganesha. Your skills may have become a little outdated, considering that technology has leapfrogged miles ahead, and you will have to undertake a crash course to sharpen your skills, or even to learn new ones. While you are at it, you would do well to learn something new which can help you add more value to your work, as it will greatly please your bosses and stabilise your position in your company. On the personal front, you must not get into unnecessary arguments with your loved ones at such a professionally stressful time, but instead seek their support in a humble way. If there is something that you resent, Ganesha advises you to let go of it, otherwise it will only harm you on the emotional level. Virgo : Looking at the brighter side of life comes easily to you, and is one big secret of your happiness, says Ganesha. As for other aspects of life, your main focus will be on the area of finances and you will make sure that things dont backfire on you in the area. You will keep checking and cross-checking your bank balance, the inflow and outflow of money, and try to regulate it as much as possible by stemming the outflow. You will also have one eye on your future needs and will be busy calculating how much your anticipated expenses will be, and you will be busy thinking about how to save up for them. Despite such meticulous financial planning, you are still likely to be caught unawares. However, Ganesha assures you that your family will come to your rescue, so there is nothing to worry about it. Libra : Depending on which way you choose to look at it, this week you will have either positive or negative experiences, foresees Ganesha. If you decide to be happy come what may, then you will surely have good experiences, but if you choose to focus on the negative side only, then getting depressed or dejected may be inevitable. It all boils down to you. It will be difficult, but try your best not to think of the past or the future, and live in the present. Above all, dont keep lamenting things over which you have no control. On the romantic front, you are likely to meet the person of your dreams, but instead of praising his/her good qualities, dont start criticising, or else you may end a potentially beautiful relationship even before it starts. Scorpio : Ganesha feels this week is just right to kick-start new tasks - for professionals - or new projects - for businessmen - which are bound to take you rapidly towards your ultimate ambitions. This week is also auspicious for those of you who are in search of a new job which will suit your set of skills better, especially those of you who are being under-utilised or over-utilised in your present jobs. Businessmen, though you will experience success, need to be extremely alert so as not to let golden opportunities pass by, for you never know when the next one will come. Also, and this applies to both professionals and businessmen alike, you must not take any hasty decisions no matter how tempting the situation may be. Weigh all the pros and cons before arriving at any conclusion. Take good care of your health. Things on the family front will be hunky-dory. Sagittarius : Although you shall be very energetic this week, Ganesha warns you not to squander your vitality away on fruitless activities, which you will be prone to because you are a little confused. And the reason for being confused is that you are not being serious enough about complying with your responsibilities. You certainly need to pull up your socks, take a broad perspective of your circumstances and make a to-do list, and get down to serious business. Take up one task at a time, as per their importance, and you will surely taste success. This applies to students, too, who have not been taking their studies seriously; it is high time to begin preparations for exams if you wish to get good results. A picnic is on the cards, but Ganesha advises you to avoid outstation trips as the stars are not in its favour. Capricorn : Ganesha foresees a very favourable period for you, especially on the professional front. You shall be so determined and focused that you are going to want to achieve your targets at any cost. Your zest and single-mindedness are surely worth appreciating, Ganesha advises you not to try to stamp on anyone elses feet while you go about achieving your dreams. In business, you may feel that progress is not up to the mark and your investments or income may not be enough to meet your needs. There is also a possibility that you will run out of resources in the absence of a proper plan of action. Put your great planning skills to best use in order to make circumstances work in your favour, says Ganesha. If you are planning on buying a new house or a vehicle, this is an auspicious week to do so. Aquarius : There are some very tough tasks and projects lined up for you this week, predicts Ganesha, but you will be stable-minded and not lose your cool. You will patiently think about how to tackle such things, plot your strategies carefully, and will even think about the consequences your actions will have on your circumstances and people around you. That apart, you may want to bring about a change in your style of work, and therefore, may start delegating work to reduce your burden. You will have a strong desire to earn more money. You may plan to buy something for which you may have to borrow money. However, avoid borrowing amounts which you may not be able to repay. Every financial decision should be taken only after considering all the pros and cons. Personal life will be smooth. Pisces : The stars will be smiling down on you favourably this week, foretells Ganesha. Life will be sailing smoothly on all fronts, and you will be enjoying yourself thoroughly. You will feel so optimistic that you will take a very broad perspective of life, and rejoice at the small gifts that the Almighty has blessed you with, and forgive even the big wrongs that people may have done against you. Time to give vent to your dormant creativity, and perhaps you will even be able to encash it. There shall be a rare clarity in your mind and you will instinctively know what is good for you and what is not, which friends are your well-wishers and which are not. You will also get all your priorities right, and work sincerely towards your long-term goals. This week is good to strengthen your relationships.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:52:11 +0000

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