Good Evening Friends luck see what do say Aries ( 21st - TopicsExpress


Good Evening Friends luck see what do say Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Some negative events in the early part of the week could make you feel depressed. Ganesha predicts that it may be due to matters related to health or finances. However, as the days roll by, things will start to look up. You shall be overloaded with both office and domestic duties, but since you will be brimming with energy, you shall successfully manage to complete all tasks. Professionals shall be very busy this week with meetings, traveling, communication, etc. On the business front, things will be so-so, and may require that you make some compromises to swing things in your favour. On the personal front, avoid arguments like the plague. Handle your near and dear ones tactfully as they are likely to be temperamental. Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : With family and finance matters dominating this week, your professional life will take a back seat. Ganesha predicts that you shall be upbeat about these matters, aided by the supportive planetary configurations. Problems related to these two matters shall get resolved easily. You are sure to have financial stability, because inflow of money is likely to increase. Pending payments can be received and if you organise your present finances efficiently you shall even be able to repay all your debts. A good rapport with your near and dear ones will add to the happiness quotient. With your amiable nature, you shall endear yourself to people around you. Singles may start hunting for a suitable match as stars have turned in your favour. Take good care of your health and drive carefully. Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Ganesha foretells that this is going to be a very hectic week for you. However, you will be in a very positive mood, and shall enjoy flowing with the tide. Positive events are foreseen on all fronts. Financially, you will have enough, and perhaps even more than you need, so you can save some of it. Family life will be smooth. Romantic life will be great. People around you shall be enthralled with your scintillating sense of humour. You shall share your knowledge, thoughts and ideas with others. Your increased need for knowledge shall prompt you to read a lot and some of you who have a talent for writing will be able to write something of lasting value. This is the best time for creative people as well as for businessmen. Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : By and large events this week will shape up in your favour, foretells Ganesha. You shall be self-confident, and will be able to work smoothly in coordination with your subordinates. A new job opportunity, with much better pay, is on the anvil. You are likely to undertake a leisure trip. If you dont travel to distant places, you may plan a weekend outing or may visit a relatives place in a different city. This week is favourable for deciding on your line of education or enrolling in some vocational courses, which can help you gain employment. You may receive benefits from your father or through the government. With superiors, you shall be on cordial terms. Your house or vehicle may require to be renovated. The only negative is that there may be some legal hassles, so be alert about the danger. Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The week augurs well for you, especially on the professional front, where you shall get a lot of cooperation from your colleagues. Work will flow smoothly, and you shall gain much appreciation from your bosses. The time may be just right to request your boss for a salary hike or a promotion. Students who have been planning on going abroad for further studies may rejoice as the stars are in your favour. On the business side, you are likely to make satisfactory gains. With the present taken care of, you shall be able to draw your future plans, and also shall start executing them. On the personal front, though, things are not going to be as smooth as you might have expected them to be, especially your relations with your siblings may turn sour, so keep your ego and your anger in check. Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : With the stars positioned in your favour this week, Ganesha predicts that you shall make rapid strides in your career. Your competence will come in for all-round praise, both from your colleagues and your superiors. You may be required to spend most of your time in office training the new recruits. Ganesha foresees extensive travel, but make your plans meticulously, or the very objectives of the trips may get jeopardised. If you are dissatisfied with your present job for whatever reason, you may now start exploring the other possibilities. Businessmen will also be in luck and shall make substantial profits. Benefits, either in cash or in kind, may be expected from myriad sources, including from friends or relatives. Some niggling health problems may cause concern, so avoid junk food at any cost. Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Ganesha foretells that you shall taste success in whatever you do this week, regardless of whether you are a businessman or a professional, because the planetary configurations are extremely in your favour. However, you will not get carried away by all this success, and remaining humble and down to earth, you shall expend a substantial chunk of your resources to aid the underprivileged sections of society. Your family too shall benefit from your generosity. You shall not only spend quality time with your spouse and children, but will also spend lavishly on them to fulfill all their material desires. Perhaps the only front on which you may face problems in this favourable week, is on the health front. Energy levels may fluctuate, so Ganesha advises you to eat a nutritious diet and conserve your energy. Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Brace up for a hectic ride this week, although you may rest assured that none of your tasks or projects will be really difficult. This means that you may have lots of work to do, but you shall accomplish all of it without any trouble. It will not tax your brains too much, but then it also means that you may not have any free time to spend with your near and dear ones. You will not even have any time for yourself, so making plans for the future is out of the question. Ganesha advises you to flow with the tide, get everything done on time, and then maybe later next week you shall be able to take a break and squeeze some time out for yourself and your personal life. Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Ganesha predicts that on the career front this week you are going to face a hectic time. Apart from your own work, you will be expected to help out your colleagues with the completion of their tasks in the larger interests of the company. The stars are in favour of resolving pending disputes, whether on the personal or the professional fronts. However, you must be careful of not becoming arrogant or impatient, but be sensitive to the feelings and emotions of the other people involved in the matters, and above all, dont get hurt if someone uses harsh language in the heat of the moment. On the romantic front, this week will present singles with an opportunity for forging a relationship with someone you have a soft corner for. Married couples will strengthen their bonds. Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : You are set to work very hard this week, and the more challenging the task, the harder you shall work, foretells Ganesha. Needless to say this is going to give a big boost to your self-confidence. You will feel as if the whole cosmos is conspiring in your favour, mainly because all your friends will come to your aid. And your spouse will stand by you like a Rock of Gibraltar. Financially, this will be a comfortable week. If you have been avoiding making concrete plans for a future event for lack of funds, Ganesha says you may start making the plans now. However, you need to pay heed to the words of elderly people, especially if they are your family members and well-wishers. On the romantic front, you may pour your heart out to your beloved and expect full sympathy. Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : A mixed bag of fortunes awaits you this week, but Ganesha foretells that it will depend to a large extent on the state of your mind. If you are in a positive frame of mind, you shall see more positive things happening in your life, but if you are in a negative frame of mind, you will only attract negative events. On the monetary front, you will be as comfortable as you can be, and will have no worries about meeting expenses. However, you would do well not to spend on unnecessary luxuries. Ganesha advises you to spare some time for self-improvement activities. Maybe you need to join a refresher course to hone up your technical skills. On the personal front, you may not look eye to eye with your spouse, and need to try to understand each other better. Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : The planetary configurations this week indicate that those of you associated with the academic field shall have a very good time. Teachers, particularly, will be in great luck, as you will not only see a boost in your income but will also get many opportunities to expand the horizons of your knowledge, which will help you greatly in the long run. Some of you may have to face certain negative events in the initial stages of the week, but as the days roll by, things will improve and turn in your favour. You shall be very eloquent, and because romance is in the air, you shall be able to express your love for your beloved in very flattering language. And if you are thinking in terms of proposing to your sweetheart, this is just the right time to go ahead and do it.Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Some negative events in the early part of the week could make you feel depressed. Ganesha predicts that it may be due to matters related to health or finances. However, as the days roll by, things will start to look up. You shall be overloaded with both office and domestic duties, but since you will be brimming with energy, you shall successfully manage to complete all tasks. Professionals shall be very busy this week with meetings, traveling, communication, etc. On the business front, things will be so-so, and may require that you make some compromises to swing things in your favour. On the personal front, avoid arguments like the plague. Handle your near and dear ones tactfully as they are likely to be temperamental. Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : With family and finance matters dominating this week, your professional life will take a back seat. Ganesha predicts that you shall be upbeat about these matters, aided by the supportive planetary configurations. Problems related to these two matters shall get resolved easily. You are sure to have financial stability, because inflow of money is likely to increase. Pending payments can be received and if you organise your present finances efficiently you shall even be able to repay all your debts. A good rapport with your near and dear ones will add to the happiness quotient. With your amiable nature, you shall endear yourself to people around you. Singles may start hunting for a suitable match as stars have turned in your favour. Take good care of your health and drive carefully. Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Ganesha foretells that this is going to be a very hectic week for you. However, you will be in a very positive mood, and shall enjoy flowing with the tide. Positive events are foreseen on all fronts. Financially, you will have enough, and perhaps even more than you need, so you can save some of it. Family life will be smooth. Romantic life will be great. People around you shall be enthralled with your scintillating sense of humour. You shall share your knowledge, thoughts and ideas with others. Your increased need for knowledge shall prompt you to read a lot and some of you who have a talent for writing will be able to write something of lasting value. This is the best time for creative people as well as for businessmen. Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : By and large events this week will shape up in your favour, foretells Ganesha. You shall be self-confident, and will be able to work smoothly in coordination with your subordinates. A new job opportunity, with much better pay, is on the anvil. You are likely to undertake a leisure trip. If you dont travel to distant places, you may plan a weekend outing or may visit a relatives place in a different city. This week is favourable for deciding on your line of education or enrolling in some vocational courses, which can help you gain employment. You may receive benefits from your father or through the government. With superiors, you shall be on cordial terms. Your house or vehicle may require to be renovated. The only negative is that there may be some legal hassles, so be alert about the danger. Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : The week augurs well for you, especially on the professional front, where you shall get a lot of cooperation from your colleagues. Work will flow smoothly, and you shall gain much appreciation from your bosses. The time may be just right to request your boss for a salary hike or a promotion. Students who have been planning on going abroad for further studies may rejoice as the stars are in your favour. On the business side, you are likely to make satisfactory gains. With the present taken care of, you shall be able to draw your future plans, and also shall start executing them. On the personal front, though, things are not going to be as smooth as you might have expected them to be, especially your relations with your siblings may turn sour, so keep your ego and your anger in check. Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : With the stars positioned in your favour this week, Ganesha predicts that you shall make rapid strides in your career. Your competence will come in for all-round praise, both from your colleagues and your superiors. You may be required to spend most of your time in office training the new recruits. Ganesha foresees extensive travel, but make your plans meticulously, or the very objectives of the trips may get jeopardised. If you are dissatisfied with your present job for whatever reason, you may now start exploring the other possibilities. Businessmen will also be in luck and shall make substantial profits. Benefits, either in cash or in kind, may be expected from myriad sources, including from friends or relatives. Some niggling health problems may cause concern, so avoid junk food at any cost. Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Ganesha foretells that you shall taste success in whatever you do this week, regardless of whether you are a businessman or a professional, because the planetary configurations are extremely in your favour. However, you will not get carried away by all this success, and remaining humble and down to earth, you shall expend a substantial chunk of your resources to aid the underprivileged sections of society. Your family too shall benefit from your generosity. You shall not only spend quality time with your spouse and children, but will also spend lavishly on them to fulfill all their material desires. Perhaps the only front on which you may face problems in this favourable week, is on the health front. Energy levels may fluctuate, so Ganesha advises you to eat a nutritious diet and conserve your energy. Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Brace up for a hectic ride this week, although you may rest assured that none of your tasks or projects will be really difficult. This means that you may have lots of work to do, but you shall accomplish all of it without any trouble. It will not tax your brains too much, but then it also means that you may not have any free time to spend with your near and dear ones. You will not even have any time for yourself, so making plans for the future is out of the question. Ganesha advises you to flow with the tide, get everything done on time, and then maybe later next week you shall be able to take a break and squeeze some time out for yourself and your personal life. Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Ganesha predicts that on the career front this week you are going to face a hectic time. Apart from your own work, you will be expected to help out your colleagues with the completion of their tasks in the larger interests of the company. The stars are in favour of resolving pending disputes, whether on the personal or the professional fronts. However, you must be careful of not becoming arrogant or impatient, but be sensitive to the feelings and emotions of the other people involved in the matters, and above all, dont get hurt if someone uses harsh language in the heat of the moment. On the romantic front, this week will present singles with an opportunity for forging a relationship with someone you have a soft corner for. Married couples will strengthen their bonds. Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : You are set to work very hard this week, and the more challenging the task, the harder you shall work, foretells Ganesha. Needless to say this is going to give a big boost to your self-confidence. You will feel as if the whole cosmos is conspiring in your favour, mainly because all your friends will come to your aid. And your spouse will stand by you like a Rock of Gibraltar. Financially, this will be a comfortable week. If you have been avoiding making concrete plans for a future event for lack of funds, Ganesha says you may start making the plans now. However, you need to pay heed to the words of elderly people, especially if they are your family members and well-wishers. On the romantic front, you may pour your heart out to your beloved and expect full sympathy. Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : A mixed bag of fortunes awaits you this week, but Ganesha foretells that it will depend to a large extent on the state of your mind. If you are in a positive frame of mind, you shall see more positive things happening in your life, but if you are in a negative frame of mind, you will only attract negative events. On the monetary front, you will be as comfortable as you can be, and will have no worries about meeting expenses. However, you would do well not to spend on unnecessary luxuries. Ganesha advises you to spare some time for self-improvement activities. Maybe you need to join a refresher course to hone up your technical skills. On the personal front, you may not look eye to eye with your spouse, and need to try to understand each other better. Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : The planetary configurations this week indicate that those of you associated with the academic field shall have a very good time. Teachers, particularly, will be in great luck, as you will not only see a boost in your income but will also get many opportunities to expand the horizons of your knowledge, which will help you greatly in the long run. Some of you may have to face certain negative events in the initial stages of the week, but as the days roll by, things will improve and turn in your favour. You shall be very eloquent, and because romance is in the air, you shall be able to express your love for your beloved in very flattering language. And if you are thinking in terms of proposing to your sweetheart, this is just the right time to go ahead and do it.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:24:35 +0000

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