Good Evening My Friends; How is everyone today? I had an alright - TopicsExpress


Good Evening My Friends; How is everyone today? I had an alright day. I think I have a touch of the stomach flu. I am okay for a while then my stomach cramps up and I am hurting. :S Oh well, it could be worse, at the least the cramps dont stay too long. I did some personal work today and thats good I had a day to do that, I have been talking with the girls about my plans but havent been too busy working on them. I at least feel like i have gotten some things accomplished and although it will take me a while to realize my goals, I am gettin there. =D I got a call today and they have the part for the car, I will drop it off tomorrow and it is suppose to take an hour to fix it... hopefully, they get on it right away. Plan on taking mom out tomorrow, we got some things to do together and she will be happy to know I dont have to send her in a cab if its raining out. lol. The wipers are fixed. Yesterday was a good day as well, the appraiser came after work and inspected the house. I am not sure what the appraisal is but I am hoping and praying everything came out good. Ill find out tomorrow. I had a friend over the last couple of days and she helped me out a lot getting things organized and hanging some pictures on the walls for me. I guess its about time. I have been living here for almost two years now. I havent put pics up because I plan on renovating but I know that wont happen till the spring now, so it may as well get homey in here. My brother hung the tv on the wall and my friend hooked up the home theatre system. It sounds nice and I promised her a pizza and movie night. :) Should be fun! I have a day off tomorrow, plan on hanging out with mom for a while and then going to head home and decorate the house for Halloween. Jazzy is having a party this weekend for her friends. Speaking of friends, I havent heard from one lately. Maybe she has been bingoing it lately. I know she loves her bingo. Anyways, you know who I am talking about. Let me know everythings alright, okay and if you need a friend to talk with, I am here. :) Thursday, my morning is at John Howard and then proramming in the afternoon with the women. We have a few things planned for that. On Friday, I have to go to the DJ and provide some NILO services there. I havent been there in months but I know the routine and that should be alright too. I heard the requests are piling up. Hopefully soon our NILO for the mens side will be hired. Next week I start the mens intensive healing program so my last few months at the correction centre are going to be action packed. I would like to say sorry to any of my friends who feel I havent been there for them. I am, I pray for everyone, everyday, I just get busy and when I need to break, I just take it so that I can keep going. I havent been too social with anyone lately, other than a friend who has been helping me out. There has been a lot of uncertainties and my future is not as clear as I would like it to be. I have goals and aspirations for sure and I know if I want to succeed, I have to do the work. I also know things dont always work out no matter how hard I try. I just have to roll with punches and figure out another way to reach my goals. Ive had a lot on my mind lately. There has been so much change and unexpected occurrences lately. I feel it, see it and I am still going through it. Change is constant though I guess. Never ending. I have also been thinking about another friend. I realize sometimes I get really close with people and then all of a sudden we steer on different paths. I used to fight that, not wanting the friendship to end. Now I realize there is no point in fighting change. We all have our own unique paths to follow and how others walk it isnt about me, its about them, so I wish them well. For myself, I dont end friendships. I may walk away but I always keep the people who touched my spirit close to me, spiritually speaking. I think good thoughts and I keep them in my prayers. Maybe one day we will connect again. That would be nice and if we dont, I can still feel honored for the cherished moments we once had. Everything and everyone has a valuable purpose. So tonight I say some special prayers for my friends who I am no longer closely connected too. I want you to know, I still honor you, I still want you to have the very best in your life and I wish you peace, love and success.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:08:45 +0000

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