Good Evening everyone. My apologies for not making a post this - TopicsExpress


Good Evening everyone. My apologies for not making a post this morning. I had such a messed up day that I didnt get much of anything done other than crying. We hope you all had a good day. Champ was good thru the night. Guarded his water bowl all night. But ate too. He had an ok morning up till he got sick a couple times. It looked like spoiled milk he brought up =( I took him in for his fluids today. His weight is down to 6.15 =( Not good. He is eating and drinking but still loosing weight. He has always sassed at the techs and vet yet today Danielle said he didnt make a noise while she was giving him his fluids and Vitamin B shot. He wasnt growling or grumbling when she brought him back out to me either. Didnt sass when I put him in the carrier either. Danielle said that is a sign he isnt feeling good. She did explain to me that when it is Champs time, the first shot isnt going to make him scream out like I understood the tech who told me he would. She said he will make a noise because the medication stings a bit when they give it in the muscle. She said he will get sleepy but will definitely know I am holding him. She said I didnt have to stay for the part of his heart stopping. I told her I want to be there because I wont leave him alone. I promised Champ when we started this journey that I would never leave him alone there and Im not going to no matter how hard it is. If I have to sit in my car crying for an hour I will but I wont leave him alone. I am having a hard time not crying again tonight because if he doesnt show improvement by Wednesday, I may have to make the dreaded decision. =( This is so heart breaking to me. I dont know how I am going to get thru this. =( Champ is eating and drinking his water and milk. He has ate his ONE too. Which Danielle said is a good sign too. Got his night dose of pepcid in him too. I am so confused, emotional and upset anymore. I am going to spend the whole day with Champ tomorrow. Try to get some pictures too. I cant imagine life without him =( We will see how he is Wednesday and go from there. I dont want him suffering or in pain. I dont want to loose him but wont be selfish either. He hasnt let me hold him much this evening, but that isnt unusual for the night after fluids either. So we will see what tomorrow brings. So if everyone could please say a few extra prayers to help Champ and I thru this we would really appreciate it. The hardest part is yet to come. We are going to sign off for now. Have a few things to do then going to go cuddle on Champ for awhile. I feel so bad we sit in here and he stays out in the kitchen. I dont think he likes this room, it is on the chilly side. I laid a towel down in front of his food and water bowls so he can sit there without his paws getting cold. He is there all the time now unless he goes potty and then it is right back to his water bowl. We hope everyone sleeps well. We will be back in the morning.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:53:06 +0000

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