Good Evening my dear friends family and love ones as of 12mn I - TopicsExpress


Good Evening my dear friends family and love ones as of 12mn I will close my page out for reasons I care not to share but I want to wish each and everyone of you an AWESOME thanksgiving and just know for every season there is a reason enjoy your day and show some love i will return on fri......If you really know me I dont have to explain : Psalm 4:1-5 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah. But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call upon him. Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD. Good Evening Father God! Good Evening Lord Jesus! Good Evening Holy Spirit! Good Evening I give you all the glory! I give you all praise! I worship you and bless your great and holy name! Blessing and honor to you Father God for waking me up this morning. Glory and power to you Father God for watching over me on last night, blessing glory and honor and power to you my almighty King, great and wonderful and awesome and true, you Father God are everything! Lord Jesus I honor you and thank you for your sacrifice for me, thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for me, thank you Lord Jesus for shedding your blood for me, thank you Lord Jesus for taking the beating I should have received, thank you Lord Jesus for taking the mocking I should have received, thank you Lord Jesus for taking the nails that should have been mine. I thank you Lord Jesus for taking all of my sin upon your body and washing me clean. Thank you Father God, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you for sending your sweet, sweet Holy Spirit to me. Thank you Holy Spirit for walking with me, thank you Holy Spirit for talking with me, thank you Holy Spirit for leading and guiding my footsteps, thank you Holy Spirit for continuing to instruct me and fill me and empower me to go forward and fulfill destiny and purpose your purpose Lord in my life telling of the great goodness of you my Father God, telling the gospel of you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for everything, thank you Lord for everything, thank you Lord you are EVERYTHING! Lord I am nothing without you and I can do nothing without you. I need you Lord! I need you to guide my life to the very end. I need you Lord! I need you to keep me on the right pathway. I need you Lord! I need you to keep my heart right Father God. I need you Lord! I need you to keep my tongue right Lord. I need more of you Lord. I need more of you because my desire is to see your face. My desire is to see you and to live with you for all eternity. My desire Lord is to know you more and more. My desire Lord is walk holy and true before you. I need you Lord. I need you to keep me right Father. Lord, I want my family to be saved, every one of them. I want them to want to know you more and more. I want to see them walking in your kingdom Father God. I want to see all of my love ones walking in your kingdom Lord. Save them Lord Jesus! Save them all. Open their eyes Lord dont allow them to be deceived by the enemy. Open their ears Lord cause their hearts to hear only your voice. Cause them all to turn to you with humble sincere hearts wanting to live right before you Father God. I thank you Father. Thank you Father God that you will not allow not one of them to see hell, thank you Father I thank you Father God that hell will not be the place of eternity for any of them. I claim them in the name of Jesus for your Kingdom Father God. Father you are so great. Father you are so good. Father you are so wonderful, Lord I truly bless you. All power is in your hand. All power belongs to you Lord. All power is in your hand and I look only to you Father God. Bless your people everywhere Father, let your favor and your love rest on them that fear you and honor you and glorify you and reverence you my Father God. Let your favor and love rest on them that trust in you and obey your Word and seek you Father with their whole heart. In Jesus name I pray. Amen#iamthankful#
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:09:05 +0000

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