Good Friday: A Day To Reflect and Contemplate Life .... The - TopicsExpress


Good Friday: A Day To Reflect and Contemplate Life .... The cross of Christ is the door to heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of evil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom. The Cross of Christ is the safeguard of our faith, the assurance of our hope, and the throne of love. It is also the sign of Gods mercy and the proof of forgiveness. Do you follow Jesus in his way of the cross with joy, hope, and confidence? Good Friday has to be the best day to turn to God. It is the day of the Crucifixion, when one Man suffered so much to fulfill a prophecy. Take some time this Good Friday to contemplate and reflect on your life. It is a day of deep sorrow for the Agony that started in a garden on Thursday night and ended in the crucifixion on Good Friday. We all have known pain and heartache, we have love ones who are ill, our world is going through severe climate turmoils, economic and political chaos, to all these and more, offer fervent prayers. To God, we commit ourselves. We come to the closing moments of the earthly life of Christ; the most perfect human life that has ever been lived. Notice how completely He identified with us. Everything we have to face, somewhere Jesus faced something similar. Hunger, thirst, exhaustion, pain, being misunderstood, deserted, denied, betrayed. And than he died. Have you understood how astonishing that is? The God we worship, we who are Christians, for a moment, think simply of the fact that we have a God who knows what it is like to die. In everything that happens to us in life, we can go to our God, our Jesus, and say, Lord, life isnt fair, life hurts, and he replies, I know, I really do know, for that happened to me too. In dying, Christ revealed a deep basic principle. Let us pray: Father, into your hands we commit our spirit. We surrender our pain and sorrow to You. Please send us Your healing light that our mind, body and soul be whole again. Fill our hearts with Love, and help us learn to forgive as You have forgiven us. In Your Glorious Name, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 19:15:28 +0000

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