Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations .. Must Read Okay, just say it: - TopicsExpress


Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations .. Must Read Okay, just say it: “How can something as simple as a thought influence the world?” Let me just point out that a hundred years ago nobody would have believed songs sung by a bunch of American Idol contestants could pass through brick, glass, wood, and steel to get from a transmitter tower to your television set, either. Nobody would have believed a cell phone no bigger than a deck of cards would allow you to talk to your sister 2,000 miles away. Your thoughts, like the 289 TV channels and like your voice on the cell phone, are vibrational waves. When you hear Eminem rapping about his daughter Hailie, your ear-drum is catching a vibrational sound wave. When you see Brad Pitt’s cane or Madonna’s single leather glove (accesso-ries they sported at the 2012 Golden Globes), you’re seeing patterns of vibrational light waves. And that’s what your thoughts are—vibrational energywaves that interact and infuence the FP. Every thought youhave, have ever had, or ever will have creates a vibrationthat goes out into the FP, extending forever. These vibra-tions meet other vibrations, crisscrossing in an incred-ible maze of energy. Get enough energy together and itclumps into matter. Remember what Einstein said—matter is formed out of energy.The field of potentiality simply follows the energy you send out. And your thought vibrations draw other vibra-tions that match. Here’s one small example: A few years ago,I wanted a potato masher. I didn’t mention it to anyone. Ijust made a mental note: Next time you’re at Walmart, buy a potato masher. That very night, my friend Wendy, who was cleaning out her drawers, stopped by with a couple of no-longer-needed cooking utensils, including a potato masher. Another time, I decided I needed more laughter in my life. Within a couple weeks, I began dating Todd, a funny co-worker who eventually became a comedian.The coincidences we see in our lives are just energy and the FP at work. Most of the time, we employ energy inadvertently, totally oblivious to the fact that what we think,say, and do makes a difference. Consequently, we activate this limitless power to follow a default program that makes no use of imagination or possibility........Source E2
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:50:20 +0000

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