Good Judgment. Normally when you say Judgment in the context of - TopicsExpress


Good Judgment. Normally when you say Judgment in the context of scripture, it has that looming, glooming, dooming feeling to it, but I put good judgment in front of it because when I think good judgment, you lost your intimidation over the word judgment. Because when I say good judgment, good changes the connotation of the word judgment. Because when I say good judgment you start thinking about wisdom and thinking and making good decisions. There is good judgment for the believer and when I say good judgment I am not just talking about judgment in the sense of making great decisions, but I am saying that God has made a great decision about you that has caused you to have eternal life. And that decision had to be made on the basis of good judgment. You must understand that from the very beginning in the garden, satan created a dilemma. He created a dilemma and it was a very smart dilemma because satan knew that God hated sin. And he knew that God loved man. So when satan seduced man through Eve to be a partaker of sin, it wasnt the fruit, the fruit is not important. It was the disobedience that is the issue. Adam disobeyed God and through that disobedience, sin entered into the world and the bible said death by sin. So here is the dilemma. God could not just forgive Adams sin. Because God had said to Adam, The day you eat of the tree, you shall surely die. So if God just walked up and said Oh, never mind, he would have broken his own word. And if Gods word is not sure, then we have no salvation at all. Gods dilemma was this, He had said that if you eat of the tree, the day you eat of the tree youre going to die, and satan had gotten man to eat of the tree. And God either had to kill him to prove that his word was true. Or if he just forgave him, then his word was not sure. Because then satan would say. I thought you said... And he still to this day, satan specializes in putting you in contradictions. Where you feel traps. And if you do this you got a consequence and if you do that you got a consequence and youre in a dilemma. But God made a good judgment. The bible said that the voice of the Lord walked through the cool of the garden and said Adam, where art thou?, and Adam said I heard they voice, I was naked, I was afraid and hid myself. But really it was not just a geographical location that God was interested in, What state have you fallen into? Do you recognize that you have fallen into a state of sin? Adam had fallen into something that he could not get out of. And if you dont understand that as a sinner than you will never come to Christ. As long as you think as a sinner you can get out of it, you will keep trying to work your way into salvation trying to straighten things out, making New Years resolutions and promises because you think that you can get out of it, but Adam could not get out of it, so the Lord Himself found an animal and killed the animal. And He killed the animal and took the skin of the animal and covered Adams nakedness. I have been a child of God for many years but I cant get over how smart that is. I mean it is just so smart, that I could worship the Lord the rest of my life just because He is smart. Satan thought he had God cornered, but God made a good decision and we are beneficiaries of Gods good judgment. God said I tell you what Im going to do, I am going to introduce a theological concept called substitution. You are saved because of substitution. Substitution teaches this principle. The lamb substituted for the man, so that the day that the man sinned, the animal stood in as a substitute sacrifice and died in Adams stead so that the enemy couldnt say that God didnt keep his word. He kept His word on the substitute. God said the day you eat of that tree you shall surely die. Look at how much God loved Adam. God loved him too much to kill him. He said I tell you what I am going to do, I am going to kill somebody else in your name. So the lamb who had nothing to do with the mistake in the first place. Completely innocent lamb stood in proxy and died for a crime he didnt commit. So that the man could live in a righteousness that he didnt deserve. Now you have to understand that because that lamb is showing you Christ. And if you understand that then you will understand that Christ was just as innocent as the lamb. Had nothing to do with the sin. Hence He becomes the Lamb of God who died in you place.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:59:20 +0000

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