Good Monday everyone. I hope this finds you all doing as well as - TopicsExpress


Good Monday everyone. I hope this finds you all doing as well as you can. Things are good here. I am happy that the Super Bowl is finished and now my home gets busy with basketball. Have an extraordinary week my friends and keep smiling. This Is What I Know For Sure Today: I am book smart and street smart....thats all well and good I guess but I have a huge deficit when it comes to people....I know that sounds crazy since I work with people every day. You see, my mind knows that all people are not nice, are not honest, can be mean, can stand by and allow meanness to happen and do nothing...and that is what throws me for a loop. I tend to see the good in folks. I give more than second chances and most of the time...I get walked on. I dont want my heart to get hard, but I thought I would have understood by now that people have their flaws. I am really quick to point out all of mine so no one gets surprised....but I have this faith in folks....I look at them as I once was and think...if I can come back from that and who I was surely everyone wants to. Everyone doesnt want to. So it saddens me, even offends me when folks set out to hurt people intentionally. And I truly do not like to be involved in that kind of drama. I am not a joiner. By that I mean that I dont go out of my way to be involved in 100 different things. I have my passions and loves and I stick with them. If you say I am a would be correct. I have good friends I surround myself with but gossip and damaging others is not on our agenda. If you find that you are surrounded by gossip and hate run as fast as you can the other way. Dont let that become your is far from becoming. Support the people you love with dignity and love and leave the rest alone. Maybe I will always believe in people...being that kind of naive may not be so bad. If folks disappoint me by their actions or inactions I need to let that go too. Hone your character. Remain honest, kind, compassionate and walk away from the rest. I love you all and I am sending you pink, authentic huggz.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:52:47 +0000

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