Good Monday morning, lets take a glimpse at todays news. Malaysia - TopicsExpress


Good Monday morning, lets take a glimpse at todays news. Malaysia plane is still missing, this has to be the biggest disappearing story since 1937 when Amelia Earharts plane was lost in the Pacific. They are still trying to confirm a possible find on a lonely atoll 77 years later. Congrats to my mom and stepdad, both 82, who still make the drive from San Diego to Phoenix every year to watch their beloved Padres baseball team in spring training. Key to a great older life is to keep getting off the couch. I always get a good laugh at the puff pieces from Yahoo News or AP regarding our lame duck President. This mornings piece was about an epic call from Obama to Putin, you know with the accompanying photo of our President standing with his sleeves rolled up holding on to a land line phone. Anyway, epic could be used for a Kennedy call during the Cuban missile crisis but this one? Not epic. Probably was calling to get a tee time anyway. Well, I have to go feed the animals, we had two new baby goats yesterday, that makes 11 babies this winter. Hope everyone has a great start to the new week, just remember to all of you still working, Friday is only 5 days away....
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:32:55 +0000

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