Good Morning Again Peeps, As I have stated in previous “Thought - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Again Peeps, As I have stated in previous “Thought For Today’s”, please PLEASE go and “LIKE” my Spiritual Thoughts page here on Facebook called “The Third Eye Perspective Spiritual Thoughts” if you haven’t already. I have been trying to get those of you who might want to continue to receive these Spiritual Thoughts the opportunity to go and like that page because I don’t want to keep flooding everyone’s timeline with multiple duplicate posts of the same thing. I didn’t realize at first that when I post it in the different groups on Facebook that it also posted it right back in my timeline again too. So I’m trying to cut down on the number of times that they appear in your timeline as well as mine. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go and “LIKE” my page because in the coming weeks I will only post the “Thought For Today’s on that page on Facebook. And again, the page is entitled “The Third Eye Perspective Spiritual Thoughts”. Thank You! The Third Eye Perspective Thought For Today – “Living versus Just Existing” I am sure that at some point and time in your life you’ve heard the phrase “living versus just existing”? You may or may not know what the difference is if you’ve never taken the time and dissected that phrase in its entirety. And if you haven’t then I strongly suggest that you need to at some point and time. Why? Because if you don’t know the difference in living a full life versus just “existing” then you may be missing out on so much happiness that you could be experiencing! I will do my very best to give you a breakdown or provide the differences in the two from my “Third Eye Perspective” and again this will just be MY interpretation of it. As I’ve said so many times, take my “views” for what they are, MY VIEWS because I’m not in anyway form or fashioned claiming to be an “expert” in any way form or fashioned, nor am I trying to portray myself as being certified or qualified to make opinions. These are just my opinions after I’ve pondered on the subjects I discuss and come to a conclusion (right or wrong). I just never want to give off the impression that I “know everything”, or that I am always right. When you are just “existing”, it is almost like you are on “cruise control”, you pretty much are like a leaf of feather in the wind and wherever that wind blows you, that’s where you go. Your concern level of just about everything is at an all time low and you just don’t seem to be too overly concerned with much of anything! For some this might work for you for long periods of time, and yet for others it doesn’t seem to work at all. I know with myself, this mentality just doesn’t work at all! When I’ve found myself caught up in this whole “existing” mentality, I usually ended up drifting into something that I didn’t want or need to drift into. If you just “drift” without there being a clear and deliberate path with your destination directions you are on, it usually does end up more times than not resulting in you being in a destination you really didn’t want to be on. Let’s look at some examples of people in the Bible who seem to have just been “existing”. First there would be Adam after God first created him, he really didn’t have a whole lot of “purpose” at the moments after he had “life breathed into his lungs”, which would qualify as just “existing” right? Then God created Eve as a “helpmate” for him, and suddenly life or his very “existence” had a whole new meaning to it. But even then, they were still kinda wandering around in the Garden of Eden until God said “now go out and be fruitful”. That there was direction being insisted upon for Adam and Eve and they took God’s advice and did just what He commanded! I would venture to say that until she met Jesus at the well and “Touched The Hem of His Garment” that the lady with the “issue of blood for 12 long years” might have just been “existing” up until that point? And what about the Blind man that Jesus reached down and grabbed some dirt and spit in it making mud, and then putting it in the blind man’s eyes resulting in him being able to see again? Up until that point, I would venture to say that the blind man was just “existing” versus actually “living”??? How about Mary, Jesus’ mother? Prior to being “Divinely Blessed” with the Son of Man in her womb which was a miracle within itself, that she was just “existing”? There would be the Israelites, for hundreds of years (400 if my memory serves me correctly) they were enslaved and under Pharaoh’s rule. There’s no way you can’t make me believe they were not just “existing” as opposed to “living?”. They had the same old routine everyday of getting up early and working hard all day long, being fed the bare minimum and then finally allowed to rest at dark. Surely they were not happy living like this, that is until they were freed? Here’s an example that is closer to home, take for example a crackhead? All they live for is their next fix of crack cocaine, that’s pretty much all that they have conditioned themselves to look forward to each waking moment of the day? And until they get help and free themselves of that addiction, they are just coasting along or as I’ve said “existing”. Well hopefully you get the point of what “existing” might feel or “look” like…. Now, “LIVING” is a whole different ballgame! You see when you are “living”, that means you have a purpose in life! When you wake up each morning you are excited about what that day might bring! You have an appreciation of what God has created in the form of a day that you’ve never seen before! Oh wait, let me back up here because I just assumed that everyone who is “living” understood that the only way, let me repeat that, the ONLY WAY you can truly “live” is if you know God! You might THINK you are living not knowing him because you’ve actually had some good things happen in your life and you have little to no worries, or so you THINK! You can’t truly understand the true meaning of “living” as opposed to just “existing” unless you’ve been born again and experienced the awesome power of the Holy Spirit being brought alive in your heart and spirit! Now that does not mean that every single day is going to be perfect, nooooooo the Bible tells us Christian folk that “there are going to be some trials and tribulations” in our lives if we make the decision follow and serve God! But even with that being the case, your attitude about even the bad days dictates how severe and how long that/those bad days last! For those of us who are healthy without anything but minor issues in our lives, imagine someone who is dealing with major health issues, and who have made the decision that nomatter how bad their days of dealing with their health gets, they are going to have a positive attitude about it! Did you know that by them having a positive attitude about their situation that is helps in their healing? Why do you think that it’s a proven fact by scientists that frequent laughter is healthy not only for the mind, but the body and soul too? God didn’t create us to be so consumed with the negative things that happen in our lives that we couldn’t be happy or more importantly that we couldn’t stay focused on HIM! That’s why He warned us about those “trials and tribulations” on the front end of this whole “creation” deal via the Bible! The real trick if you will, to learning to “live” as opposed to just “existing” is that you live each and every day as if it might be your last! That way you will die without any or many regrets! This is a lesson I have had to learn a few times when I allowed myself to get down on myself about something I might be going thru! Sometimes it took a dear friend, or even in other instances a total stranger to remind me that “it could always be worse than what I am dealing with in my life if I just look around me, someone is always in a worse situation than we are if we just stop focusing on our problems more than we do the solution.” Oh that would be God in case you were wondering! If you believe in Jesus Christ for “who He is” then you already know that He can do ANYTHING BUT FAIL! And HE is the difference in your life resulting in actually “living” as opposed to just “existing”!! Can I leave you with a question? As you take inventory of your life as it is RIGHT THIS MINUTE, are you “LIVING” or are you just “Existing”???? Can I get an Amen???? Theres just something about the name Jesus! ~ LONG LIVE COWBOYS ~
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:58:11 +0000

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