Good Morning America! Life Altering Moments! The phone rings in - TopicsExpress


Good Morning America! Life Altering Moments! The phone rings in the middle of the night. You answer to a weeping voice asking for help. So often in my career I have answered the call for help. So often I gathered my thoughts and my gear to rush out into the darkness. Heading to another deadly call. Some calls are for strangers and some are for close friends. Some may question why or how do I do it. It is only through God and His guidance that has prepared me for this call. Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a deadly situation or call? A situation that forced you pray constantly. A situation that forced you to fast for direction. A situation that caused you to wonder how God would get you out. Have you ever found yourself pressed against the wall and you knew God was the only One who could bring you out? I believe each of us will experience at least one life-altering experience in our life. An experience that forces you to sit down and evaluate your life. An experience that causes you to deal with the person in the mirror. Each and everyday we face challenges on every side. Truthfully speaking, even when we are sleeping, warfare is taking place. Be not deceived, the enemy does not wait until you are awake before he attacks. His greatest attacks come when he thinks you have begun resting on the job. As you are sleeping, he is attacking; but as he is attacking, God is shielding you. Often, these challenges come unexpected or out of the blue. Evil has away of sucking the life out of you. Waiting around the corner just waiting to pounce. God is with you, Always! He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalms 121:3 My friend, You can rest in the assurance that God has you covered. Yes there will be horrific circumstances, but God is greater. Yes there will be hurdles to leap over, but God is able. My brother, my sister, I believe whatever you are going through, God is greater than it and He is mightier than the adversary. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Child of God, it matters not what you are going through. Psalms 46:1 God can see you through any deadly situation. The question is not can God see me through, but can I trust God while going through? America, you can trust Him! Dear Lord, comfort the Hardin Family during their time of need. In Your Holy Name, Amen! Marty Gilbert Hardin, Susie Gilbert, Sara Anne
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:44:11 +0000

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