Good Morning America. The subject of the day. GAY MARRIAGE. Im - TopicsExpress


Good Morning America. The subject of the day. GAY MARRIAGE. Im a Christian, and I think it should be Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. BUT, Jesus said the he with out sin cast the first stone, and his command was to love one another and do unto one another as we would have them do unto you. Also God said, judge ye not or you shall be judged, and that God would judge everyone in the end. SO.....In My eyes, It is not my job to discriminate, Judge or hate people that do not conform with my beliefs, but to love them as well. Yes I know it is very hard to do, but it is what is required. So stop being HATERZ and do what you are suppose to do. LOVE and Witness. USE Your words, be NICE, and love your neighabor, even when it is much easier to hate.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 15:45:04 +0000

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