Good Morning Cumberland County!! Happy Saturday!! This morning - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Cumberland County!! Happy Saturday!! This morning Lucy and I went out and it was a chilly 63 degrees feeling like 58 with light fog and I felt a few sprinkles – feels like a TN fall!! I have my first cup of coffee and made one for Sharon, but she is still sleeping. Lucy is keeping me company. It’s just after 6 and I don’t have much time for posting. I need to get some breakfast, get dressed, and set out for school to pick up the boys to head to the soccer complex to continue the set up for the AlzTN walk today. We got lots done last night, but due to the possibility of rain and wind we couldn’t set up the tents and place the signs – first thing we need to do this morning and will have to be at the complex at 8. How are you today? I sure hope you are fine and all is going well with you, too. What do you have planned today? I hope you all take some time to visit your family and friends over this weekend. The first day of fall is coming up in 10 days – why not choose a couple of small fall jobs and try to complete them now so you won’t have all the jobs to do as the season proceeds. Our doors and windows should be delivered today or tomorrow and they will be installed on Monday and/or Tuesday. The fireplace work should be done next week and we will be getting the now porch posts and step rails next week or next. Sharon did a fantastic job cleaning out the garage! Can’t wait for her to finish her daybed refinishing and I will have a few new projects to work on and finish a couple of unfinished projects, too. Well it is almost 6:25 and I have to start getting ready for going to school to pick up the boys for our community service project. But first, let me share with you a couple of THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY: … Understand basic statistics so you can tell when someone is using them to lie. … The biggest joy worry will be the opportunities you missed if you didn’t experiment or try to improve things. … Nothing can come between me and the full prospect of my hopes. … Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. … Never cut what can be untied. … Hire people smarter than you. … Take good care of those you love. … Learn to show cheerfulness, even when you don’t feel like it. … Never try out a new recipe on guests. … I’ve learned I don’t make many mistakes with my mouth shut. … A daily 20 minute walk is the easiest and most beneficial thing you can do for your health. ……… OK, it’s now after 6:30 and I have to go! I hope you enjoy your gift of Saturday and all will continue to go well for you today. Take some time to help make someone else’s day – be kind, speak well, do a good deed, and above all just smile at those around you. …. Catch you later…….. :)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:38:55 +0000

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