Good Morning/Evening Family Are you worrying about - TopicsExpress


Good Morning/Evening Family Are you worrying about tomorrow? “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 The one thing that I have always had is a creative mind. I love to take recycled times and make new treasures. I am a seamstress, artist, a handy women , I have the knowledge to build a home from the ground up, as a result our home has been build with my hands involved, in every aspect of its creation. This has helped to fill my life with the a sense of purpose, despite being especially challenged. And since my stroke, I have found a sense of purpose in teaching my family how to become a creative thinker. Some people have asked me how I have been able to deal with a my physical health issues and their limitations, especially when they realize that I have been battling my health issues since I was a child. I will tell you that it has not been an easy road to walk, especially in the face of the reality that there has been little that medical science has been able to do to help me. But I am thankful to the Lord for teaching me the value of trusting in Him, and not worrying about tomorrow. In the process I have learned the value of an oak tree. My roots are grounded in my relationship with the Lord and my limbs as a result are able to bend in the wind. Learning to bend with the wind helped me learn to deal with the trials that are apart of life. Learning to bend with the wind helped me to learn that it is okay if takes me a week to paint a room, for there is great satisfaction found in a job well done. I may have to ask for help, but there is satisfaction in found in working together with a family member, instead of taking on the full responsibility on my own shoulders. Worrying about tomorrow does not change the reality that will all is said and done God is in control of my life . Therefore , armed with that knowledge I am freed from my shackles of worry. For I have awoken to the fact that God has got it under control. After all, He orchestrated it all. Psalms 55:22 , “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken,” Everything we have been through, everything we are going to go through and everything we will go through has got His hand on it. We need to let go and trust that God has our back. The only place we’ll find ourselves if we let worry consume us, is in bed with a migraine and worst of all our thoughts and actions will send a message that tells our Heavenly Father that we don’t trust Him or need Him. If our Father has our whole heart and we ask Him to take on our burdens, He will. It really is that simple and there is true physical relief that comes from doing this. It feels as though you are taking a breath for the first time. A sense of calm and lightness will overcome you and right at that moment know that you have pleased your Father. He has waited on you to come to Him for so long. God wants us to kick worry to the curb, give Him all of the burdens which cause us to worry and for us to know that He will get us through. Matthew 11:28 (NIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He wouldn’t ask this of us if He couldn’t deliver. Trust in Him. Go to Him today.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:06:35 +0000

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