Good Morning/Evening family The Grace of Patience 2 Peter - TopicsExpress


Good Morning/Evening family The Grace of Patience 2 Peter 3:9: The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. I am sure you have probably all heard sermons about patience before. Perhaps when we are thinking about the fruit of the Spirit, Patience comes to mind. And the general gist of the sermon is that we should be more patient. We should be slow to anger quick to listen. As often as we think about patients, patients for some is very hard to practice. In fact, have you ever lost your patience with somebody? I can honestly say, “ I have!” And I am sure that we all can say that we have all lost our patience, or let our your temper get the better of us, especially when we are waiting for somebody to get their act together. But I have come to realize that with the Lord help and maturity, I no longer allow my Irish temper to get the best of me. As a result I have developed patients with others. Patient with myself is another matter. I am not the most patient person when it comes to dealing with my own issues, health or other wise. I do not like the limitations my health issues cause. Nor do I like telling others I am sorry, but I am not physically able to do that. It sounds like an excuse to my own ears. And satin loves nothing better than to whisper in my ears; “ They dont believe you.” And there is a good chance that they do not. Their have been people in my life that take a look at me , and can not see me as a person that is physically disabled. But their opinion really does not matter . What matter is that I know what I can do and what I cant do. Patience is one of the clearest manifestation of Gods grace. Initially, He accepts us just as we are, and from then on He models the perfect father, totally loving and accepting us while always urging us to change and grow. Rightly understood, patience with ourselves can be one of the greatest supports we have in the healing process. Having patience with ourselves removes condemnation - but it does not compromise with sin. Patience does not have to do with the direction in which we are headed, but rather, with how long it is taking us to get there. Patience does not say, Well, thats just the way I am.. It does not just seek to find an acceptable level of sin for me at this point in my walk with the Lord. Gods standard remains as I grow to be more Christ like. Patience does not offer a substitute for the standards that tell us we need to be more Christ like. It merely forsakes a self-imposed timetable for achieving these standards. Patience has everything to do with Gods timetable not our own. I have been told that I will one day be able to use my left hand and arm again. But it will take time to heal. The same can be said with any trial that hits our lives. It will take time to heal! It will take time to overcome.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:33:57 +0000

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