Good Morning Everyone! I have a busy day scheduled and the day - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Everyone! I have a busy day scheduled and the day started with a 5 am sinus headache from Hell! But God gave me a hint last night while I was going through the medicine cabinet - that one of my meds for sinus and allergies was actually for headaches - so glad I took that one - it knocked me out for a few more hours and now it seems to be gone. Thank you God. Juliette is a little under the weather as well. Fever and her teeth hurt. Thinking (and praying) it may be a new tooth coming in or maybe sinus pressure as well as it has hit both the hubby and me. Anyhow, tomorrow is my big brother Eddies birthday! I pray that he has a blessed day (and week) and that God will bring them back to San Antonio for good, real soon. I know I have been absent from my blessings on FB but it has just been a little hectic - but God always provides and everyone has been in my thoughts and prayers. So it is wedding week for Kadidja Aquino and Ramin (my awesome couple from Brazil) and we have the Construct A Kid Gala as well so I ask God to help make everything run smoothly and that everyone attending these events be happy and safe. So here is the blessing for you and yours! Father - I thank You for this day! I thank You for all that You provide and I thank You for the opportunity to share Your gifts and love with others. I know that while I may not have these posts everyday, You know that my friends and family are in my heart so You continue to keep them close. I pray this day that they all have peace in their hearts, courage to face all trials that come before them and the faith to know that they are never alone - You are right there with them - helping them and making way for a better future for each of them. May they understand that You give them so much and that You wish for them to share those gifts and blessings with others. May they have a spirit of giving, especially in this Your season. May You fill all their needs, not necessarily their wants, but provide what You know that they need at this very moment. May we all be brought back to the spirit and true meaning of Christmas - that Christ the King has been born, a Savior unto the World! May they feel the comfort of Your arms and know that You hold them in the palm of Your hand. May they be healed of any circumstance that binds them - illness, loneliness, sadness, doubt, addiction, forgiveness of others or themselves, of separation of family, uncertainty, financial problems, household problems, insecurities, confusion, anything Lord that binds them, that they would know that You are already working on giving them a future of Hope. May they know that we will see those loved ones who have passed again, and although they miss them, be happy for the moments they shared with them in this life, which is only a small journey before eternity with You. May they feel love, laughter and a sign that they are truly and unconditionally loved. May they make a call, smile at someone or just think of someone with love in their hearts - it may be the most important thing they could do for someone else today! May you give them peace beyond understanding that todays trial will be tomorrows victory. May they remember those people (our brothers and sisters, our children) out there with nothing - nothing to eat, no where to sleep, no family to call, no friends to share with. May those people find the warmth of Your love, may they be lead home, may they go to sleep in a warm place, may they have their bellies full and may they feel the love of others through a smile, a donation, a hot meal - any gesture that comes from anothers heart to a lonely heart. May they remember this life is nothing without You. Again Lord, Please bless my friends and family today and always! Give them a day of smiles and love - and let them share that love with others - with their friends and family and beyond that - with the least of our brothers and sisters! In this I pray. Amen. Blessed day to you all! Peace
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:22:53 +0000

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