Good Morning Everyone, Our theme for this month: Taking care - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Everyone, Our theme for this month: Taking care of your soul Our Bible verse for today: Work may be done for six days, but on the seventh day there must be a Sabbath of complete rest, dedicated to the Lord. Exodus 31:15 (HCSB) Our thought for today: The soul needs the Sabbath This year the fourth of July fell on a Friday and therefore many people get to enjoy an extended weekend. Thats good because most of us can use the rest. Just start thinking about a three day weekend and you can feel the stress and strain begin to melt away - just the thought of it causes your body to begin to relax. Why is that? Because we need regular extended down times just to rest and relax. Our body needs it and our soul needs it too. This was one of the two reasons God established the requirement of Sabbath. First, its a day when His people are to gather together for worship and to focus especially and specifically on Him. But its also intended to be a day of rest. Its a day when our labor is to stop, we are to put all the busyness on hold, and we are to be intentional about resting in the Lord - physically resting but also spiritually resting. This is a time for renewal and refreshing. When we observe a weekly Sabbath it helps to establish a healthy rhythm to life. It causes us to be intentional about unplugging from life and allowing the body and soul to rest. And as the term rhythm implies, once we have it down to a regular and consistent habit, it becomes part of the natural flow of our life. This is when we’re at our best. We humans are creatures of habit. Were at our best when were in the groove and weve become conditioned to smooth and regular cycles in life. Faithfully observing the Sabbath keeps us in that groove; it establishes that smooth and healthy rhythm. And once we have that healthy rhythm of life in place on a weekly scale, we can shrink the pattern down to fit our daily routine. As part of our daily rhythm of life we also need a regular time of rest and renewal. We often call this quiet time but it is in effect a daily Sabbath. The soul needs Sabbath, weekly and daily. I encourage you to observe yours this week, and then every day. God Bless, Pastor Jim
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:39:50 +0000

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