Good Morning Everyone. This morning, as I am unable to do a reveal - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Everyone. This morning, as I am unable to do a reveal later ( I have a charity appeal all day and then a wedding reception this eve) I am taking a slightly different look at the energies using my Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. I have drawn three cards for the group and here’s my interpretation of what today may hold. Please feel free to let me know what the cards may represent for you, or even if your day has been anything like the energies shown. Love and light H xx The three cards I have drawn are The World, The Empress and the Eight of Cups. The World is number 21 in the Major Arcana and is the final card before the rebirth of the Fool. It represents the end of a cycle, a realisation of a dream, accomplishment and integration of all we have learned. This card can also represent new beginnings such as a birth, marriage or the start of a new career path, it can be the completion of a term of study. Everything that you are doing, right now, has come together, you are in the right place, the right time and doing the right thing. You should be feeling fulfilled and completed. When you reduce the number 21 numerologically you get 2+1= 3. The second card I have drawn is the Empress and she is number 3 in the Major Acana, she represents the home, femininity, nature abundance and fertility, she calls you to take notice of the abundance in your life, to connect with your feminine energy. She urges you to create beauty in your life, to induldge your senses of taste, touch, sound, smell and sight to bring you greater fulfilment. She also can indicate a pregnancy or birth, and whilst this can be literal it can also mean the beginnings of a new relationship, career or study path, she reflects so much of what The World card offers. Our final card is the Eight of Cups, the cups represent emotion and the eight of cups shows us progression from the seven which signified confusion. We have made our choices and have now gained the inner strength to move on. This card can also represent displeasure of the material things in life and that we need to reconnect with our spirituality in order to find the satisfaction we crave. It signifies that you are now ready to move on, to perhaps change your career path completely. This card can often appear when people are dissatisfied with the “rat race” and want to pursue deeper spiritual meaning to their lives. It can also mean that you are disappointed enough to finally have the strength to move on and to walk away from situations that no longer serve you. As three card spread I feel that today is a time of change, natural cycles are coming to an end and that it will soon be time for new beginnings. I feel it is a time to celebrate what we have and to see how far we have come along our paths. I feel that we are entering into a new time of spirituality, a realisation that abundance isn’t signified by material wealth, but who and what we are, and for the supportive people that we have around us, for the unconditional love of our pets and for the beauty that abounds in nature. I feel it is time to start an “attitude of gratitude”, to be thankful for what we have, and that in this way we can then send our message out to the Universe that we are ready to receive more to be grateful for. Remember what you think is what will manifest. To me it feels very positive, although as I have said before Tarot is neutral, so watch out for feeling unaccomplished, ungrateful, unworthy and feeling that we are alone. The Universe only wants what is best for you and is always there to support you, you only need ask with sincerity of heart and it will be given to you. Have a wonderful day xx
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 09:00:53 +0000

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