Good Morning FB Friends and Family! Do other peoples requests - TopicsExpress


Good Morning FB Friends and Family! Do other peoples requests dictate your decisions? Are you a slave to others demands? When we live this way - we live in a reactive instead of proactive existence and it becomes exhausting! When the requests come in - bam our schedules fill up living little to no white space. If we want to learn to make best yes decisions then we must change our approach to the way we make decisions. The same patterns produce the same habits. The same habits will lead to the same decisions. The same decisions keep us stuck! FACT: A person who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of a underwhelmed soul. An overwhelmed soul is one who knows there is more God made them to do. You long to do that thing you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about. What is it that you long to do: Write a book - Run a backyard Bible club for neighborhood kids - mission trip - own a bakery - complete your degree - teach at church - get out of debt. These are the things that go on the backburner when we fail to make best yes decisions. What if you took the time and honestly wrote down the steps it would take to accomplish that thing? And what if we were audacious enough to actually schedule step 1? Simply stated yall - the decisions we make dictate the steps we take. They determine the way we live our lives. So really this is not about just finding time - but much deeper - in that by finding time we are honoring God! God entrusts to us 168 hours per week. No more. No less. What fills that up - sleep; meals; quiet time; family time; ministry prep time; church serving and attending; date night time with friends; time with friends; exercise; errands and household responsibilities; kids activities; oh yea and work. When I add all that time up - I have about 4-5 hours left. And we know that 4-5 hours can get eaten really fast! It is no wonder that we live with overwhelmed schedules and overwhelmed souls. What happens when we feel those pressures - our attitude changes and our stress level increases and then something has to give. Now if you were to do what I just did with your time and scheduled activities you may have more or less time remaining - but the principle is the same. We must be intentional about scheduling that 4-5 hours toward that thing that God has put in you - only for you to do! God has given us each the gift of time. Our time. Our choice. Our approach. What is that thing that He has given you? What is your number? Will you be willing to be intentional with that time and use it for the Glory of God? Remember that the decisions you make determine the schedule you keep. The schedule you keep determines the life you live. And how you live your life determines the way you spend your soul. Those 4-5 hours seem like a reasonable gift to give your soul right now. And the soul in all of this - is about letting out that cry of passion God entrusted to only you. It is about letting that thing all the way out of your soul so that you touch others, help others, and bless others. Yall be intentional - we are all about to make our New Years Resolutions - is yours to make best yes decisions and schedule your time better? Mine sure is! Father God thank You for entrusting to me what is for me - and keeping Your promises - I am so honored and grateful to be Your daughter! Amen. Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:50:36 +0000

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