Good Morning FB woke up this morning with a few words on my - TopicsExpress


Good Morning FB woke up this morning with a few words on my mind! I recently saw the Jamal Bryant sermon after so many protested his phrase these hoes aint loyal. Let me first say Im not a Jamal Bryant follower, as a matter of fact that was the first time I saw him preach. My analysis: First if you havent heard, Bryant is pretty liberal in what he says about God. He goes where others are afraid to speak. If you listen to more than the 41 second clip, you will hear what led up to the phrase. I find it funny that nobody was talking about all that led up to the phrase. And thats how most christians do. One of my classmates preached once and said many of us live in the pre-text, instead of living in the entire scripture. Just like you cant preach the bible in excerpts, you cant study it like that. With that being said, nobody was moved by how he talked about the breakdown of the black family and what it is doing to society. If you didnt listen you will see he was talking about how men will leave the favor (marriage) of God and tip out with somebody who isnt loyal.Some few minute pleasure! And not throwing stones, Ive seen some comment who I know and have seen doing that. Maybe you were more upset he called you out. They say a kicked dog will bark. So in my opinion what he said was a truth that many didnt want to hear. And there also were some ladies who were throwing judgement as if they have never been the one they tipped out with..... So now we see why the women were shouting! They tired of their husband tipping out with these kind of women! As far as the word hoe in the pulpit. Well, maybe the church needs a blunt message in a time when everybody wants to do what he or she wants and act all holy about it. Many said he took it to far. Now, in my preaching, I dont think I would cuss from the pulpit. But did he really cuss, or did he call it just what it was. I see you saying he is a preacher and preachers shouldnt act that way..... But, lets be honest. The average christian wants the preacher to be perfect so they can live how they want to. We want preachers to live exemplary lives so we dont have to. And I do believe that God has a higher expectation for preachers to lead by example. But wait Mathew 28 says all of us (Christians) are ministers in some capacity. So if the non Christian was looking at you, could they say the same thing you (christians) are saying about Jamal Bryant? Some of you have posted or declared in IG and FB post many things you think shouldnt be addressed in the pulpit. Its a slippery slope because Jesus didnt call ordinary people hypocrites, He called church folk that. So while you are in judgement and making those declarations, what is God saying about you? Its easy to sit and hide your flaws through text and post and fool us, but God knows and sees all. And before you go judging think what can God say about me. One of the reasons I fought my calling for so many years because I didnt want to preach to a people who will do everything under the sun then throw bricks as soon as I do something. But if you know me, I could care less about your likes and words of criticism! I too am liberal in what I say. I answer to God, and the Bible clearly says, if you ashamed of me before man, Ill be ashamed of you before my father. Im trying to get to heaven so if I make somebody mad, Im not even sorry. I just say grow up! So in close, I didnt/dont see nothing wrong with what Jamal Bryant. Some of you need a jolt of harsh reality! If we wait on the world to do it it wont be done!Be blessed!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:39:21 +0000

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