Good Morning FBFF. Most of you that know me by the spirit, know - TopicsExpress


Good Morning FBFF. Most of you that know me by the spirit, know that I am a woman of peace. Confusion is not my name. But as I was reading my morning devotions coming from Ezekiel chapters 1-4, my spirit wept. I wept and I could feel the heartbeat of God. I weep today almost uncontrollably for Yahweh’s people who have failed to hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying. We have turned our ears aside to hear false things and lies. We have chosen to be entertained by devils. We rejoice over other peoples failures and falls. Know this as Ezekiel spoke - LOOK! TRUE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS – COME FORTH!!!!! Don’t be afraid when living among them is like stepping on thorns or finding scorpions in your bed. Don’t be afraid of their mean words or their hard looks. They’re a bunch of rebels. Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern. They’re hardened rebels. Ezekiel 2:6-7 MSG Prophets, take the Word of Yahweh and eat it. Eat the whole book. Let it become sweet in your mouth. Become consumed with the Word of the Lord. Then walk circumspectly of the vocation in which you have been called. Walk with clean hands, a holy and upright lifestyle and then with holy boldness, speak what “thus says the Lord Yahweh. No longer is there a time to prophesy of only material possessions, worldly goods, or prosperity messages with the intention to bring people in by the droves for the sake of money. You that speak words to only gain financial wealth and increase for yourself – the day of reckoning is coming! No longer shall there be only feel good messages to fill the houses up to build mega ministries to place the names of man in neon lights and bring great accolades upon self. But truth shall be spoken that will not always be satisfying to the flesh or words said that the natural ear wants to hear. True men and women of God – You will not be popular in the eyes of the majority! Fear not the faces, but speak what the Lord has said without fear of being one with the crowd. Say what thus saith the Lord. Arise O Apostles! Arise O Prophets! ARISE from your slumber and sleep that the people of Yahweh will be warned and will live, having the life that has been promised them through the Scriptures. Pride comes before the fall and warning before destruction. ALL of US must heed the Word of Yahweh and His Prophets. Rebellion is as witchcraft. Disobedience and rebellion comes with pride. When we rebel against God’s holy Word, we open doorways and portals of destruction and death to our life and all those in whom we come in contact with. Humble thyself before the Lord Yahweh. Renounce satan and all the lies he has spoken in your ears. Fall on your face and cry out to the Lord to give you ears to hear by the Holy Spirit to hear truth and nothing but the truth. Rid self of the itchy ears to hear lies, fables and the gossip of talebearers. If you fail to do this, destruction is knocking at your door. Death awaits those who fail to listen. Be careful who you speak against, for you may be speaking against a vessel of the Living God Yahweh! Choose the words you speak carefully and cautiously. Be not caught up in the emotion of the crowds and the groups. 2 Corinthians 6:17 instructs us Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Be not entangled with the things of the world even if it is among those who are a part of the Body of Christ. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. BEWARE!!!!! The wolves are here! I can’t apologize for this message. It is what I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us today. I love you all, but Abba Father loves you and I more. He loves us enough to tell us the truth, no matter what. I may lose many of you with this message that you will feel is doom and gloom. But I rather speak it now and lose your friendship, than fail to say it and keep you as a friend and you lose your soul and the blood be upon my hands. Again know that I love you, but the Father loves you more. ~RMW~
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:10:03 +0000

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