Good Morning Fb Family the Word For Today is Found In Mark 4:39 - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Fb Family the Word For Today is Found In Mark 4:39 Quiet! Be still! Sitting still was not in my nature, and perhaps it was my nature God was trying to tame. My “nature” or natural bent of working for God was standing in the way of my worship of and communion with God. My daily routine of sanctioned quiet times was getting in the way of the divine romance in which He wanted me to engage. How sad to admit, that sometimes when God extends his hand to invite me onto the dance floor of life, my dance card is already full. Many nights I lean over to turn out the bedside lamp, collapse in exhaustion, and sigh, “maybe tomorrow, Lord.” I don’t think “be still and know” comes naturally to any of us. Aren’t we taught to get moving? “Keep your eye on the ball.” “Focus on the target.” “If you don’t’ know where you are going, you probably won’t get there.” Motivational phrases for sure. But this was God talking, and He had a different message. While the world prods, “Don’t just stand there, do something!” God was telling me quite the opposite. “Don’t just do something, stand there.” Now He had my attention. So I stayed put. “OK God,” I asked, “What do You really want from me? He surprised me. He often does, when I take the time to listen. Acts 17:28 came to mind. I believe He put it there. In Him we live and move and have our being. Learn what that means, He seemed to say. I opened my Bible again and read the words, pondering each phrase individually. In Him. We live. And move. And have our being. I sensed God speaking to my heart. That’s where you will find the secret to satisfy that glory ache. That’s the answer you are searching for. That’s where you will find what your sisters hunger for. You’ve been asking the wrong question. It’s not what I want fromyou. It’s what I want foryou. And in this one little verse, you’ll find the key—not just for yourself, but also for others in the boat with you. This will calm the squall of your frantic heart. I wondered, could this be the key to unlock the door behind which the salve to satisfy that glory ache was hidden? The door upon which I had been knocking far too long? I was excited to accept God’s invitation as He extended His hand for mine. Today, I encourage you to take it too. Let’s Pray Dear Lord, Sometimes, I am not just caught in the storm, I am the storm. Help me get quiet, settle down, and listen. Today, I am living in You. I am moving in You.In Jesus’ Name,Amen.You All Have A Wonderful Day In The Lord I Love You All * hugs * Aalaak *
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:20:02 +0000

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