Good Morning Friends, I am humbled this morning at the Lord’s - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Friends, I am humbled this morning at the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness!! As I sat sipping my coffee and reading my empty box sat on the table in front of me. Isnt it amazing how something you see, read, or hear triggers a memory? It amazes me how often I am reminded of something that has taken place in my life. The days of the past 3 years seem to be etches or carved into my memory. I am reminded on the good days how easy it is to willy nilly go through life and put our day to day activities in front of what should be the center of everything. And yet....when life was so difficult HE was the center of everything. I clung to his presence!!!!! Anyway back to the box...Mary received a beautiful hand made quilt in the mail yesterday. I am reminded of the many many days that she would lay in my arms wrapped in a quilt, a blanket, snuggling a stuffed animal, wearing a pair of pjs or a t-shirt, reading a card or a devotional....that someone like YOU sent her. Someone who had heard about little Mary Helen and wanted to help. You sent card after card, gift after gift and prayed and prayed. You prayed that Mary Helen would be healed. Not just healed but healed by the Lord. If I look back at this journey the month that really sticks out as the lowest of low for me is July 2013. It was a time that in the depth of my soul I questioned God. It was on the heals of Mary’s little friend Maddi unexpectedly dying. The fear of losing Mary became realer than real and I thought she might die. I feared a relapse and as many of you know a relapse does not have good odds. Odds...well who can possibly believe odds??? We serve a God who has no odds!!! But the reality also is....babies just like Mary are dying every single day. Why???? I will never understand but today as I look at this video from a year ago....I am reminded of God’s faithfulness. Even in the depths of my despair he was there. If you are walking through tough times and it seems as if life is swallowing you. GOD IS BIGGER!!! Jeremiah 17:14, ESV Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. .Jeremiah 30:17, ESV For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord… Jeremiah 31:25 I will give those who are weary all they need. I will refresh everyone who is filled with sorrow Friends, Mary is HEALED!!! She is hoping to write and record one more song. A song about healing... about victory...and about God’s faithfulness. Thank you for walking this journey with us. We could not have chosen a better hand to link with!!! Have a ‘Thoughtful Thursday”!!! and...cling to HIM!! This video was taken last July....
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:07:53 +0000

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