Good Morning, Friends! Praying you have a great Friday with all of - TopicsExpress


Good Morning, Friends! Praying you have a great Friday with all of your family and friends, and co-workers! I rested really good last night, even after our terrible ordeal with the dogs getting attacked by the bees… they were attacked really big time, swarmed them, looked like thousands, and we just couldn’t get to them. I really thought I was gonna have to call somebody to help Jamie, she was freaking out because she couldn’t get to them. But they are okay this morning. We called the vet and we worked with them for about three hours, iced them down where the whelps were, gave them Benadryl. Made sure their throat was not swelling. Thank God they are okay this morning. I think I will finish up my decorating today, and I am going to make a big batch of Tomato Soup, my brother brought me a lot of tomatoes yesterday. For some reason my dinner last night was a big flop. I burned the biscuits… gravy got too thick, pork chops turned out great… and how could I mess up on mashed taters. But we are blessed, we had food, and we ate. Have a good day, reach out…….small acts of kndness leave lasting fingerprints on the lives of others. Leave your mark on the world. You guys are always so sweet and concerned. I have noticed that particularly through the things I read in your posts, I thank God everyday for you. Always choose to heal, not to hurt. To forgive, not to despise. To persevere, not to quit. To smile, not to frown. And to love, not to hate! At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought, but what we built. Not what we got, but what we shared. Not our competence, but our character. And not our success, but our significance. God bless each of you and be Safe. Pray for our friends in Colorado. They sure have had their problems this summer. God bless each of you. I love you, God loves you so much more.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:03:02 +0000

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