Good Morning, Front-Running Botherations. I caught my brain - TopicsExpress


Good Morning, Front-Running Botherations. I caught my brain acting up again yesterday. I had a voicemail asking me a business question. My brain started to think about it and to imagine what it meant. And suddenly...Then This Will Happen...Then This Will Happen...Then This Will Happen. My mind was 4 or 5 steps down the road, in fear of what would happen, what I would do, what would happen after that. I was afraid, nervous, feeling the weight of all of the consequences. When I called the person back, it was a simple issue that could be solved by faxing one form! All of that prediction was unnecessary, serving only to disturb my serenity. The key phrase for me is Then This Will Happen. Whenever I hear that in my brain, its a warning that Im engaging in dangerous prediction. Why do I do this? Maybe early in life I developed it as a defense mechanism against fear of the unknown. If I could name the threat and imagine what I would do, perhaps I thought it would protect me. But what this process does is to make me experience multitudes of problems that most likely wont happen. And if, perchance, they do, then I have to experience them multiple times. Meanwhile, while Im stewing about the unlikely future, my attention is drawn away from the beautiful present. So Ill be vigilant today for Then This Will Happen. When I hear it begin, I can choose to let it go, to gently bring myself back to the present and smile about my brains ability to make life infinitely more complicated than it need be.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:18:06 +0000

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