Good Morning Green Bay. 13 years ago today, we bore witness to - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Green Bay. 13 years ago today, we bore witness to one of the most horrible scenes of destruction, panic, and mayhem our nation has seen. Many scenes from that day have been permanently ingrained in our collective consciousness, negative and positive, but I, for one, choose to focus on some of the positives that came from these horrible events. In the aftermath of these attacks, we saw numerous photos and videos of New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians, and Virginians, and people from all over America and other nations, come together to help each other out. People were helping each other, giving aid and comfort, and all of our differences were no more. Everyone in Manhattan was grey that day. Race, ethnicity, religious background, all of those took a back seat to the greater human good when all of us were united in spirit and deed trying to render aid to those who needed it. As Americans we are taught in school about the great melting pot and the idea that despite all of our perceived differences, we are all Americans, united by the ideas we have, and shrouded in the fabric of Freedom. I cannot think of a clearer example of that then the response to the attacks in the days and weeks following. There were many heroes 13 years ago, including military personnel, police officers, firefighters, and countless civilians. Some were recognized, some remain anonymous known only to posterity, but it falls to us to make sure that their sacrifices are never forgotten, their deeds are remembered, and that one message will ring loud and clear. We are America, we are a free people, we will not bow to terrorist threats, and we will never surrender the great gift of freedom. To all who are serving in our military, police, fire, and emergency medical services, may you return home safely at the end of your watch and thank you for your service!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:54:16 +0000

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