Good Morning!! I am SUPER curious of WHO on my friend list can - TopicsExpress


Good Morning!! I am SUPER curious of WHO on my friend list can RELATE to chime in and let me know (pleeeeease) that I am NOT alone!! Did you know Health Coaches are NOT perfect? WOW, shocker, right??!!! My sister-in-law recently sent me the picture below and I was shocked as I happily didnt recognize myself. That was taken 7 years ago. I share it with you today as a prelude to what I am about to write.... With my recent divorce, moving from FL to MA and traveling 3 days in the car, as well as settling into my new home, I have done some occasional stress eating, especially within the last few week, here and there. I am typically a size 4 jean, and whereas I can (barely!) still zip them up, I can tell I have poofed out, and I certainly cannot wear them. In other words, I am wearing LEGGINGS lol since getting to Mass because my jeans are too tight. I am just thankful they are still in style!! The OLD me (just a year or so ago) would TOTALLY be beating myself up. And the old me most likely would have thrown in the towel and gained a whole lot of weight with the stress I have been going through. In case you dont know my story (liveinbalancebylisa), I have been about 75-100 pounds overweight THREE TIMES in my life since I was in High School. All of these episodes of severe weight gain occurred during extremely challenging times in my life and the way I coped was with...wait for it..... FOOD. I know, shocker, right? But through being a Coach for the last 4.5 years, I have been given the opportunity and beauty of being able to learn to be GENTLE with myself, and also heal from emotional eating. Yes, I still have periods of time where I give in (like here and there lately) BUT the BIG difference is these episodes only last a day or two, or sometimes only a meal or two, as opposed to months, even years in my past. And at most, I gain 10-15 lbs, which is a far cry from 100. And I have to always remind myself I lost 100 lbs and used to be a size 24. And let me tell you, I will NEVER be back to that. I have learned a lot from the amazing Beachbody community of coaches, done a lot of healing and taught myself through coaching how to avoid the dooming pitfall of coping with food. So when my size 4 jeans dont fit and I get upset, I have to take a step back and remind myself how far I have come. Am I perfect, nope. Am I dedicated to my health, you bet! I struggled my 2nd year as a Coach to be perfect. I got down to a size 0/2 but it was a complete struggle and NO FUN at all. I never allowed myself balance...and never allowed myself treats. And I severely over-trained and beat up my body pretty bad by doing double workouts. I now pay for this with injuries. I realized I was PUNISHING my body, my self, by overtraining. If I ate ice cream, I would do a double workout the next day. This was crazy! This behavior also caused a lot of stress in my body, and affected my cortisol levels greatly. Now I have to be really gentle with my body when it comes to exercise or my injuries flare up. So I became comfortable with my body being a 4/6. When I creep up to a 6/8, I just dont FEEL as good, so this is MY signal that I have gotten off track: A) I dont feel good and B) my clothes are tight. I always make it about how I FEEL first, and LOOK second. When I gain weight, it means my eating is off which results in fatigue, moodiness and a general sense of not feeling my best. So today I unpacked the kitchen and will be starting another full round of The 21-Day Fix. Why the Fix? BECAUSE IT WORKS! YOU can do anything you put your mind to. You CAN lose the weight and gain back the confidence you lost. You CAN reach your goals!! You CAN rock that dress at the Holiday parties this year. You CAN feel good again! It takes dedication, commitment and SUPPORT from the group. Keep going and dont look back! If anyone wants to join me....shoot me a private message:)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:30:42 +0000

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