Good Morning. In Hos. 8:14 we see the Lord pronouncing judgment - TopicsExpress


Good Morning. In Hos. 8:14 we see the Lord pronouncing judgment upon Israel because they had forgotten their maker. The Lord said, “For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.” Notice very carefully that Israel forgot their Maker even while building temples. If we should take close examination of our lives we might find that we are in the same position at Israel. The only way to get out of this situation is to repent of our folly and allow the Holy Spirt to lead us into the path of righteousness. Matthew Henry in commenting on this text said, “They pretended to know him, and yet forgot him, for they liked not to retain God in their knowledge, when the remembrance of him would give check to their lusts. It was an aggravation of their sin in forgetting God that he was their Maker (Deu. 32:15, 18; Job 35:10), as nothing obliges us more to remember him than that he is our Creator, Eccl. 12:1. He has forgotten his Maker, and builds temples; he seems by the temples he builds to me mindful of his Maker, and to be desirous still to keep him in mind, and yet really he has forgotten him, because he has cast off the fear of him.” I pray that we will not do like Israel. I pray that we will seek the continue guidance of the Lord. I pray that we will repent of our evil ways so that God can clean us up and make of fit for eternity. I Repent - https://youtube/watch?v=VgSppTDMJig Have a blessed and Holy Spirit-filled day.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:19:27 +0000

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