Good Morning. In Matt. 24, Jesus reminds His disciples and by - TopicsExpress


Good Morning. In Matt. 24, Jesus reminds His disciples and by extension us of the signs leading up to His second coming. While these signs are clear Jesus states that only God the Father knows the day and the hour of the His return. With this in mind, Jesus reminds his children in verse 44 of the importance of getting and remaining ready. Jesus said, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” There are some of us who believe that we can get ready at the last minute. We believe that we can wait until the last sign is fulfilled and then we can stop doing the things of the world. But what we must bear in mind is the three angels messages of Revelation 14 particularly verses 6 and 7. You see my friend, the judgment started in Heaven in 1844. That is 170 years ago. At this very moment God is examining the records in heaven. So we cannot wait until a particular time to get ready because we do not know when God will begin the examination of our records. The next important think to consider is that getting ready is not something that we can do by our self. In order to get ready, we need to surrender every area of our lives to the total control of the Holy Spirt. Then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to help us to let go of self so that the transformation of our character can take place. Somehow we believe that getting rid of our carnal nature is something that is easy. This war between our carnal nature and the Holy Spirit is not something that we can conquer overnight. This work of transformation is a work of a life time. It is a trap of the devil to fool us into believing that we can wait until the “last minute” to start the preparation process. But this morning the Lord is reminding us that we must begin and continue this preparation process today. I am not sure if you realize that at your death, the Lord comes… The dead knows nothing. There is no repentance in the grave. So when we die, all opportunities to make our calling and election sure would come to an end. It is therefore very important, since we don’t know when we are going to die, that we prepare each day as if the Lord is coming today. I pray that we will continue to prepare ourselves for the second coming of Jesus for in an hour that we think not the Son of Man cometh. I’m Gonna Be Ready - https://youtube/watch?v=iznrKX8cdXA Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:49:54 +0000

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