Good Morning: Its always important to recognize those who have - TopicsExpress


Good Morning: Its always important to recognize those who have impacted your lives. Carlos Southerland commented on an old post I did and it reminded me of my experience with an exceptional role model I will never ever forget! No telling where I would be without this man!!! In and out, in and out, in and out! OK everyone take your minds out of the gutter lol. I am in and out of town alot recently but enjoying what I am doing. Also very excited about possibilities in my sight. Guided by faith that any moves made will be the correct ones. Woke up this Am thinking about the Late Great Phil Jones who was my first real Boss after I completed graduate school at NYU. He was a serious influence and outstanding role model for me and many other men and women. Mr. Phillip Jones was a guy I met when I used the placement center at NYU as I pursued my first advanced degree. I signed up for on-campus interviews in the office he managed which was the business and industry placement office. Boy those were the days and a time when life was so simple. NYU was great but meeting Phil Jones was the turning point of my life. I met Phil after an interview I had on campus with a bank rep from NJ who seemed very uninterested in me or what I had to say. It was a Friday and I got up and said to the rep Why are you wasting my damn time. You have no damn interest in me. I than stormed out only to hear my phone ring that night at my Moms home where I resided as a graduate student. All I saw was my Mom nodding as she looked at me rather firmly. I had no idea who she was speaking with. But when she got off the phone she told me I had to report to Phil Jones office at 3 the next day. I had no idea who this Phil Jones was. I went to Phil Jones office only to have him come out and warmly greet me as he escorted me to his office smiling. After he closed his office door this well dressed, sharp, better looking than Billy D, articulate guy, told me if I ever did what I had done the previous day he would put his foot up my.... so far his shoe would come out of my mouth. I thought to myself this guy is crazy. Fortunately he was not! He went on to explain how I messed up because the recruiter was interested but tired from the long day and testing to see how I handled her not seeming interested. He also went on to say my a.. was now his and he was going to make me a success if he had to kill me in the process. little did I know this guy was serious! From that day on I received 2 calls a week, and had to meet with him weekly to work on my social skills, dressing for success, grooming, etc. Because I grew up without a Dad (my dad passed when I was 2 or 3) he was doing what many dads should do and had my Mothers Blessing. He worked with me and worked with me. When it was all said and done I did know how to find a job and seek success. Another male mentor, Mr. James Kitt, a wonderful guy and a real teacher and mentor, got me a job at Wassaic Developmental Center in Dover Plains NY, about 2 or 3 hours from NYC as a Personnel Officer. I hated the Job based of the commute but had no choice because there was not any apartments available for Black People in Dover Plains NY. You know what I mean? I would leave my Harlem home at 4:30 AM and return at 9:30 PM and was miserable. Than on a Sunday I got my usual Phil Jones call. Phil said I needed that experience but now needed to come back to NYU and work for him as a Counselor. I accepted and made $10,400 a year but was happy as a lark. NYU paid low because you could attend the University for free as could your kids if you had any. I loved the job and Phil was a true mentor. The first day I came in with a pair of slacks, a turtle neck, some nice shiny boots, and a gold medallion. Phil greeted me and took me to his office along with another new Counselor who had on jeans. He smiled and made small talk as we headed back to his office. When he closed the door he said to both of us: This is The Business and Industry Placement Office! Lincoln! Not the Players Placement Office. To the other person he said This is not The Rodeo Management Placement Office. He went on to tell us again how to dress and than went into his pocket to give us money for a new suit, a few shirts, a few ties, and some shoe polish because he said a mans shoes should always have a shine. Are you kidding me? This guy was going the extra yard to develop us and many others! Phil Jones was so hard on us you would think we were in boot camp! But he was determined to make us professional even if we did have advanced academic credentials. Two quick stories: part of our responsibilities in the office would be taking Business Executives to lunch when they were on campus recruiting students. The first few times you accompanied Phil so you could learn by his example. Remember we were younger people with little business experience working with Bank Presidents and Vice Presidents. On one occasion we were sitting at a restaurant listening to the Piano Player when Phil went around the table asking folks to order drinks to accompany lunch. first person ordered a gin and tonic, next a rum and coke, next a glass of wine, next a light beer, Phil had a glass of water with lemon, and when it came to me I ordered a Harveys Bristol Cream with Coke. Phil smiled and I thought to my self look at me with the big dogs lol. When we returned to the office Phil said he wanted to see me in his office. I thought he wanted to compliment me. He closed the door and said Mother ....... if you ever order Harveys and Coke again he would strangle me. This guy was always teaching and I was learning fast. He took time to talk about the correct way to use a knife and fork, drink tea, and eat soup, etc. This guy was super polished and smart! Last story on Phil. The first time I took Business Executives to lunch by myself the restaurant where we had an account was CLOSED! I panicked and since I only had 6 dollars in my pocket and no credit cards, what would I do? I called Phil who informed me to stay calm and walk past our building in 5 minutes heading towards Garvins which was a great Washington Sq. Village Restaurant. He told me to shake his hand as I walked by and everything would be OK. I was so embarrassed but did as he requested and when I did he put $300 in my hand which covered to bill. But in case it did not Phil had called and gave his credit card to handle what ever the excess cost was. Now you must be wondering what all this is about. It is about the fact we have stopped mentoring and looking out for our younger and older people. Not tutoring mind you. I am talking about life mentoring!!! What happened to all the cadet programs? Where are the scouting programs in the Black and Latino community? What happened to Big Brother and Big Sister programs? Why are we not doing more teaching with our kids and the kids of others who could use our expertise? Why are we not mentoring recent college grads? Maybe I should also say why are some people so against getting help and support from others but thats another post. I have been so blessed to know people like Phillip Jones, and James Kitt who even taught us how to sit at a bar and have the bar tender lean towards us as opposed to us leaning in to order a drink. I really have so many others to thank as well. From Leroy Oatis and Ollie Edinboro, to Snookie Walker, to Jim Couch, to people like Elliot Bailey who showed by example what real men do when it comes to taking care of families and responsibilities. My challenge to those who care to accept is Reach Out and help others. Become mentors and give back because many have done for us opening doors of opportunity that we all have taken advantage of. I again say what will they say about you when you depart the earth? What will your file say when you attempt to get into Heaven? I know Phil Jones is there comfortable and loving everything all his hundreds of mentees are doing.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:19:34 +0000

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