Good Morning! Its hump day and the day after yesterday and the day - TopicsExpress


Good Morning! Its hump day and the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow and so what. To all of my Beautiful and sweet FBFs..Hope youre having a great day and making that paper. Im on my 3rd cup of human motor oil and been here at the office for like a long time all ready but I love it. Now the News and the President Obama address the people of Estonia at 9:05 ES. The speech had come four hours after the President addressed the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Mr. Obama called Sotloff’s murder a horrific act of violence, He then extended the condolences of the nation to the Sotloff family. The President added that the United States will not be intimidated by Sotloff’s murder or that of journalist James Foley. Obama continued, those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget; that our reach is long, and that justice will be served. Question is…how will justice be served? How will the US do it without taken more lives? I bet you didnt know that 350 more American troops will deploy to Iraq. They will protect US facilities and American personnel. The President also said, “The bottom line is this: our objective is clear. That is to degrade and destroy ISIL so that it is no longer a threat not just to Iraq but also to the region and to the United States. In order for us to accomplish that, the first phase has been to make sure we’ve got an Iraqi government in place and that we are blunting the momentum that ISIL was carrying out. And the airstrikes have done that. But now what we need to do is make sure we’ve got the regional strategy in place that can support an ongoing effort not just in the air but on the ground to move that forward.” What about Syria? The President seems not to want to conducted airstrikes over that country until a “regional coalition” is formed. The President said efforts are underway to form that “regional coalition” One other development out of Estonia. Russia claims it reached a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine. No one believes Russia will hold to that deal. We’ll see. Time for war people and I hope that you are ready for more American to die.More reason for you to live a great life and stop the hate.Now go out and show some love people.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:30:35 +0000

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