Good Morning. It’s a new day! Today is the beginning of the rest - TopicsExpress


Good Morning. It’s a new day! Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. So let’s take it straight to the point. To move on in life, and make the best out of the rest of your life, you must accept the fact that as a human being you are capable of mistakes, even stupid mistakes. So please do not get involved in the blame game today. The idea that whenever things go wrong, it must be him, her or them, but never your fault is worrisome, and antithetical to self- improvement. “Oh she/he made me do it,” “he led me into it,” “if she had explained it well, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” “You were over speeding that’s why you couldn’t wait for me to make a u turn.” “You were driving too slowly that’s why you made me hit your rear.” “The lecturer hates me, that’s why I failed the exam.” “The querry wasn’t because I was late; the manager doesn’t like me.” The list goes on. You know what I’m talking about. Excuses, blame game, passing the buck. It is often our default position. So whenever anything happens, the first instance is to blame someone else. We blame government for our woes, yet others under the same government are doing well without government incentives. When we give excuses for our failure or blame others for our faults and wrong doings, we lose the lesson the incident was intended to teach us. Benjamin Franklin said that those that are good for making excuses are seldom good for anything else. That’s because they spend too much time finding other people to blame, and too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being. Learn to take responsibility for your actions and inactions. Remember, the circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around you in life do not make you the way you are; they only help you discover who you are; they reveal who you are! Look at it from the positive perspective, the ashes of your failure can be turned into granites to build you a strong future. It all depends on your attitude. Accepting your mistakes does not reduce your worth. Be bold and take responsibility. That is the road to recovery and making the best out of the rest of your life. It’s a good morning; have a good day!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:27:07 +0000

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